Example sentences of "was [pron] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Dass did not reply , for there was nothing he felt he might have said .
2 There was nothing he had to do to earn it , or nothing to threaten his security , except a too-rapid recovery , which he daily prayed against and which a good God would surely not allow — at least until summer came in and clothed a scarred earth with kindliness .
3 Augustine recognized that Paul 's words touched everything : there was nothing he had which he had not received .
4 He elaborated but there was nothing he had not already told Wickham .
5 There was nothing he enjoyed more than seeing a couple of his subordinates at each other 's throats .
6 Now , though he was seventy , he was still robust and active , and there was nothing he enjoyed more than a day 's shooting .
7 There was nothing he said that I did not recognize as being the expression of my own heart .
8 At times he got impatient , if Rory failed to grasp a point , and on several occasions he glossed over figures that Rory raised a query on , assured him it was all in hand , there was nothing he need bother with .
9 There was nothing he wanted to see at any of the nearby cinemas , he 'd be irritable company in the local pub where he was a contender in a small bar-billiards school , so there was nothing for it but to spend the time watching television with the other sinners .
10 There was nothing he liked better than a good puzzle .
11 So I thought now what do I say , do I drop myself in it or do I say well that was n't , that was Roy , I said well you know I said I must admit I said I I 'm sorry so erm then Roy said well that battery he said was me he said I , I borrowed Geoff 's car again and look the battery fell over in it so I 'm gon na help him er then I sa , a piece of that bloody great went across our French doors and this , there 's a went across
12 Especially when it was me he turned to , me he called darling . ’
13 When we first made love , I would lie on the bed in a certain way so my tummy did n't flop , then I realised it was me he loved , flab and all . ’
14 Hank was someone he had made up .
15 Well , it now seemed that there was someone he wanted to see in Glasgow , so he was taking this chance to fit that in .
16 The girl remained unseen , but the man emerged a moment later , his eyes , as they caught Huy 's , switching from initial guilt to fraternal collusion as he saw that Huy was someone he did not know .
17 Almost every interview-but there was somebody he wanted to go back and see .
18 When Paul was himself he had a dread of oncoming deafness .
19 I could n't bear the thought that it was you he loved .
20 The outline of the character seemed right for her youngest daughter but when producer Alan Hardy saw Kylie , it was she he chose .
21 If this stranger was who he claimed to be , he supposed he 'd better do as he was told .
22 And that was everything he had .
23 She was everything he had dared hope for , and more : she had perfect features and limbs , an endearing , screwed-up little face and a trace of dark hair on her pate , just to show she took after her parents .
24 I was everything he 'd dreamed of .
25 She was everything he wanted — all ambition , all love , all comfort , all need , all passion embodied in Carla .
26 There was something he feared to say yet needed to confide .
27 Pain was something he enjoyed dishing out .
28 But our poetry started to flow again , though now it was he who distributed the favours : there was no call for him now to bribe me with sex , so this aspect of our relationship was something he kept under tight control , allowing sexual contact only when he felt like it and not just when I wanted it , as in the past .
29 yeah , but he was here the other Sunday and he , he , they were , he , he was reading my paper and he come back and he the following Sunday he said you have n't got last Sunday 's paper mum , I said I do n't know I might , oh I think I threw it out , anyway just happened to find it , it was something he read of some woman that were meddling on the pools and the , the , what she 'd used , you know and the
30 Said he thought it was something he ate .
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