Example sentences of "was [adj] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was Labour Ministers who told local authorities that there was to be ’ severe restraint in expenditure in the national interest . ’
2 Both boys burst into tears , but it was eight-year-old Matthew who took the news the hardest .
3 My last one was eight pound summat but mine 's a variable speed reversible and all that
4 The cost of doing the repairs was economic loss which was not recoverable in a negligence action , except within the Hedley Byrne principle , or on the unique proximity of Junior Books v Veitchi .
5 First FAA unit to operate Firefly F.Is was 1770 Squadron which formed at RNAS Yeovilton on October 1 , 1943 .
6 But Summers suggests , ambitiously , that there was solid evidence which , he claims , was what stopped Hoover tackling the Mob before it came to awesome power in America .
7 * It is also possible to put presuppositions into a sentence by just rearranging the parts , as in the following example ( called a CLEFT ) , based on " Senecan influence brought blood to Renaissance tragedy " : It was Senecan influence which brought blood to Renaissance tragedy .
8 So here I publish a picture of him ten years ago when he was Junior Minister he is enjoying a marvellous a party at London 's Intercontinental Hotel .
9 With the goal of curriculum enhancement it was possible for a junior member of staff with specific subject expertise to support a senior colleague without such expertise ; but when the goal was professional development it required a clear status differential between senior partner as trainer or consultant and junior partner as trainee or client .
10 Labour Scottish affairs spokesman , Henry McLeish , who obtained the document , said it was clear that it was political will which would determine whether the Highlands and Islands are successful .
11 The judge said there was little chance she 'd ever be freed .
12 The judge said there was little chance she 'd ever be freed .
13 There was little doubt it represented a major success for the objectors .
14 The youngest of the trio — he was a-twenty-seven-year-old ex-seminarian who had been greatly under the influence of Molloy before going to Africa — began to sing , in a terrible , faltering voice , probably the most unmelodious I ever heard from a Danuese what sounded like the first lines of ‘ O , Mighty Mountain ! ’
15 It was a cappuccino one , but it was fifty quid it was !
16 Once again AFHQ was issuing signals which appeared to contradict one another .
17 she was eleven stone something
18 It was that determination which gave her doctors and parents such hope when she underwent a heart and lung transplant ; a last ditch attempt to save her , after her lungs were virtually destroyed by the disease Cystic Fibrosis .
19 But what the man did not know was that Angel One had also encompassed a darker facet in his mastery of the martial arts , namely a knowledge of ninjutsu , the deadly art of the ancient Japanese assassins from the Clan of Death — the Ninja .
20 Sharpe had taken a royal fortune off the battlefield , and it was that fortune which Jane had stolen from him , and much of which she had already spent on a London house and on silks and on furniture and on jewels and on Lord John 's debts , and on silverware and gold plate and Chinese wallpaper and on lapdogs and satin and on the cabriolet in which Lord John now rode towards the cavalry and battle .
21 And was that Gavin I saw being deported from Holland ? have n't heard anything from him this morning so I assume not .
22 Er what was that word you you used last week ?
23 What was that word you started with
24 But it was the patronage of Sir John Coke [ q.v. ] , one of the principal secretaries of state from 1625 to 1639 , which lay behind his rise to complete control of foreign and domestic posts in the 1630s ; and it was that achievement which gave him the opportunity both to create a new postal service and to acquire an estate in Essex worth £800 a year .
25 What was that nonsense you recited about rich man and beggars ? ’
26 It was that independence which enabled us to participate in the Gulf war and to initiate the Falklands conflict without having to secure the agreement of our 11 Community colleagues .
27 In accepting the Crown 's application , Lord Coulsfield said that the general rule of law was that evidence which was relevant to the issue was admissible unless excluded by some peremptory rule of law .
28 It was that sense which had brought me to Munding , which had set me hunting the Green Man in the woods .
29 Now I can see that I was wrong to assume that mere dedication to a craft ineluctably results in fine work , but it was that conviction which drove me to put Jean-Claude and his work on the map .
30 ‘ If you 're — uh — gay , as they insist on calling it these days , then I 'll just have to accept it , but I shall always blame myself , always wonder where I went wrong with you , wonder whether it was that school I sent you to , I was never sure if it was a mistake or ’
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