Example sentences of "was [verb] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In July news was leaked of Britain 's biggest ever arms deal , possibly the biggest export deal the country has ever had .
2 Such a commitment , which was not untypical , was demanding of teachers and parents .
3 President Fernando Collor de Mello , 43 , was stripped of power on Sept. 29 when the Chamber of Deputies , the lower house of the Congress , voted by 434 votes to 34 to impeach him for abusing his authority .
4 Elisabeth Danziger 's face was drained of colour and expression .
5 My world , the island , was drained of colour , but every shape was clear .
6 When I finally roused myself and walked , unsteadily at first , to the green door and then through the other garden and the house , now silent — for our party had moved away and there was only a lady in an obviously twentieth century flowered smock at a little table in the hall — I felt the world was drained of colour and that I could not face anyone who was not Orlando .
7 I tried to get him to return my smile , to confess that he had been pulling my leg ; but his brooding face was drained of humour .
8 She was drained of strength and ‘ would die if she had to walk the streets again . ’
9 His voice was drained of emotion , his eyes lustreless , as Dexter imagined the memory of her body floating back into his mind .
10 Nothing more was heard of Cargo , who were rumoured to be considering dropping the loaves outside Dutch territorial waters , until a month ago a number of loaves of bread were found washed up on the Dutch coast .
11 But after 1902 , nothing more was heard of Henry Gaze .
12 Little more was heard of drift-netting in the South Pacific until 1988 , when for the first time , Taiwanese and Japanese vessels moved into the South Pacific and Tasman Sea in large numbers .
13 Quotation was £24 for the four pages based on our 48-hour requirement , no indication was given of delivery charges .
14 This time , when his glance slid over her , his scrutiny was compounded of interest and a totally male appreciation .
15 ‘ They said that Kabir the weaver was favoured of God , and the crowds flocked round him for medicines and miracles .
16 Mrs Mentle and I both felt it was touching of Pugh to place a sticker in the back of the hearse which read ‘ Do n't follow me , follow Athletico Whaddon . ’
17 Everybody around me was slagging of Newsome and it was hilarious when he score and the Cop were shouting his name ‘ al la Shearer ’ .
18 It was daring of McChrystal to start with Bach on the saxophone , even if this sonata — normally for violin or flute — is of very doubtful authenticity .
19 The test which best discriminated between the effects of left and right sided electro-convulsive therapy ( ECT ) after two treatments to each side was naming of objects after hearing a verbal description of them given by the examiner seven minutes after shock administration .
20 Instead of making chances for his colleagues , the Scot , as predicted , could n't get out of the habit of making for goal himself , so the attack was stifled of passes .
21 Meanwhile , intense lobbying was reported of deputies from Estonia , Georgia and other strongly nationalist-minded republics who were threatening to boycott the vote on the grounds that strengthening centralized executive authority ran counter to recent official proposals for restructuring the Soviet Union into a looser confederation of sovereign republics .
22 Looking about him , he could see that tiny segments of woodwork from the floor he was waxing and polishing and from the doors he was stripping of paint , had been removed with delicate precision .
23 2 years ago Mona was dying of leukaemia .
24 JOANNA Parkinson-Hardman was five when she was told her mother Ruth was dying of cancer .
25 ‘ I remember all the fuss when your Uncle Jim was dying of cancer .
26 WHEN Marie Haworth 's husband was dying of cancer , the couple discussed what sort of funeral he should have .
27 The subject was the courageous crusade of a Somerset doctor , Geoffrey Taylor , who was dying of cancer .
28 Her final paintings , when she was dying of cancer , of storms and approaching storms , are most urgent , assured and disturbing , but not without a characteristic sweet humanity .
29 Now , however , she was dying of tuberculosis and , with only a few weeks of life left , the past was very much on her mind .
30 Mr Nath recently performed a life-saving operation on Romanian baby Bogdan Ursu who was dying of water on the brain .
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