Example sentences of "was [verb] that they " in BNC.

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1 IN 1916 when evening classes began in Russian it was intended that they should serve the commercial interests of the people of Nottingham .
2 In July it was intended that they should be contained in regulations .
3 Both speakers gave papers on the employment of women in printing , and such local interest was aroused that they were asked to repeat their lectures in Edinburgh a few days later .
4 Of course it takes time for the increased number of women on the list to work through into actual appointments , but one of the purposes behind the Prime Minister 's initiative was to see that they did work through into actual appointments .
5 And if they all spied on each other all the time the great thing , the only thing , which would , could , make life tolerable was to pretend that they did n't .
6 The letter was dated almost a week previously , and as Merrill read it she realised with dismay that Richard was already in the area and was suggesting that they meet in the lounge of Frobishers ' at seven o'clock on Saturday — this evening .
7 It was arranged that they would take the horses down to the railway sidings where there was enough light from the warehouses to school in the evenings , and Biddy would come twice during the week and once at the weekend , for two hours each time .
8 It was arranged that they should get the express train from Hanover in order to open at the Folies-Bergère on the very evening of their arrival .
9 It was arranged that they could hold the ceremony in front of the band stand following which they danced their favourite dance together .
10 ‘ Greatly simplified calculations were done but it was realised that they left out many important factors and were therefore quite unreliable .
11 This time , the crew were in such high spirits that they dropped Nickles over the heart of Berlin , spirits that were somewhat subdued when it was realised that they could not close the bomb bay doors after combing .
12 It was touching that they cared about you . ’
13 Pupils have sometimes asked to see again particular slides , or overhead transparencies , while checking a hunch or clarifying their recollections , and this was one reason why in Organizing resources it was recommended that they be kept in the library resource centre or some other suitable place after use , properly indexed .
14 When she surfaced it was to find that they were back at Piazzale Roma , the big square thronging as usual .
15 It was claimed that they poured their drinks over the counter and then smashed their beer glasses .
16 On 24 December the Soviet authorities , fearing a further change of government and perhaps of political orientation , began to airlift troops into Kabul ; it was claimed that they were responding to an appeal from the Afghan government to suppress a counter-revolution which was being fomented from outside the country , and that their action was justified by the Soviet-Afghan friendship treaty .
17 It was claimed that they would result in significant increases in consumer prices for cars , patrol and electricity .
18 When they reached Aumery Park Farm , it was to discover that they had misjudged the time of their arrival .
19 Under pressure from Oakley and from French officials , Gen. Aydid and Mahdi Mohammed , his main rival for power in four years of civil war , held peace talks on Dec. 11 at which it was reported that they agreed to cease fighting and withdraw their weapons from Mogadishu .
20 Well in the in the final analysis of the of the er the er considerations of these two sites the er area of Ske Skelton in general , erm it was considered that they that they did not perform a greenbelt function .
21 Deficiencies at ages 5–24 were noted in new towns and the possibility was considered that they were due to immunising effects of a milder epidemic of the underlying infection .
22 Last night there was more evidence of the couple 's unhappiness when it was disclosed that they had a furious row at Balmoral shortly before the ‘ love tapes ’ were published .
23 In Amersham , the church meeting of the Lower Meeting House ( Baptist ) heard in 1892 that ‘ several of our young members have been absent from the means of grace [ communion ] for many months and it was resolved that they be visited by two members of the Church ’ .
24 It was not known whether they would be the most advanced protagonists of environmental scanning , but for various reasons it was expected that they would have views about scanning and about the extent to which they wished to undertake formal environmental analysis .
25 It was expected that they would interview him later today .
26 It was whispered that they wanted him to speak .
27 It was argued that they can monopolise resources in an area where they already do have a monopoly ( schools , community halls , etc . )
28 The belief that men should be trained for a narrow role in life came to be challenged ; it was argued that they should have some knowledge of the liberal arts , the ‘ finer ’ things in life .
29 Local income taxes might be thought capable of performing better against the criterion of equity , but it was argued that they would be difficult to administer in the UK , for the reasons outlined by Kay and King ( 1986 ) .
30 If this was the source of the visitors ' continuing jurisdiction in disciplinary appeals , then it was accepted that they would be amenable to judicial review , their situation being in certain respects comparable to that of a visitor to a university or college who holds that position by virtue of his office , cp the Queen as visitor of the University of Hull : see the Page case [ 1991 ] 1 W.L.R. 1277 , 1279 .
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