Example sentences of "was [verb] it [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 But a spokesman said if any complaint was received it would be taken very seriously and investigated ; it would also be acted upon if found to have substance .
2 Aristotle added that the manticore 's voice was ‘ like a small trumpet ’ and that it was very wild , although if its tail was bruised it could be tamed without any trouble .
3 He said Darlington had attracted a lot of new companies and businesses and if the town was downgraded it could actually deter others from coming to the town .
4 Even with a computer , it was reckoned it would take at least four years , and the chances were very high that one would make at least one mistake , probably more .
5 However , the proportions for whom the general practitioner was described as reluctant to visit , or for whom it was felt it would have been helpful if the doctor had visited the person who died more often , did not vary significantly between the groups .
6 In 1979 , however , with the number of entries rapidly increasing ( there were over 200 in 1987 ) it was felt it would be safer to have a circular fixed route .
7 Transport planner Andy Hyams told members the introduction of an ‘ access only ’ order to cover the whole area was investigated but it was felt it would be widely abused and difficult to enforce .
8 On on er on production erm before the costs reductions had been identified , industry had said that the cost of production would actually increase , could I ask by how much it was said it would increase ?
9 In the period since the Second World War , political stability , economic growth , and a broad societal consensus , meant that the constitution as it was , as it was said to be , and as it was said it should be , were all seen as of one , pulling together in mutual support in a way that called for " no change " .
10 Simply expressed , the set-up as it was , as it was said to be , and as it was said it should be , had all pulled apart in a way that called for change .
11 Isaiah wrote that whenever the Bible , as the Word of God , was proclaimed it would ‘ never return void ’ .
12 It was decided it would be too traumatic for them if they had to be flown away again afterwards .
13 The County Council I full well remember some four years ago made a decision that once a site had been in peril , once a decision was made it should n't be brought back into the arena again .
14 Mr Devall said if the nitrate removal plant house was built it would take water from the Stour , remove nitrates from part of it for drinking water in Essex and return the rest into the Stour .
15 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
16 She was pretending it could speak German , chattering away in gobbledegook , and making Annabel scream with laughter .
17 My fifteen miles ' walk had whetted my appetite , and therefore I looked with no angry gaze on Ranza Inn , and , despite the large company of tourists airing themselves outside , I made inquiries for breakfast , and was told it would not be ready for an hour ( it was now nine o'clock ) .
18 I was told it would take a year for anything to happen — but so far nothing has , apart from the issue being worse , plus minor accidents being a weekly event .
19 I was told it would be ‘ good experience ’ for me
20 About period ten and correct me if I 'm wrong Andrew I was told it would be about a thousand , roughly a thousand pounds per fee earning employee .
21 ‘ I was told it would be too dangerous . ’
22 I 'm angry because I was told it would be relatively straightforward to get a divorce and I did n't foresee any of this .
23 ‘ I 'm angry because I was told it would be relatively straightforward to get a divorce ’
24 The trial was adjourned until tomorrow and the jury was told it would not be needed until Thursday .
25 The judge was told it might not be possible for the trial to take place if the officers ' identities were not protected .
26 MH : I remember somebody told me that a member of the public asked that question and was told it could be either five minutes or 40 years !
27 A fingerprint was found — but she was told it could not be used as evidence and other officers were not questioned about it , she told an industrial tribunal .
28 Maricourt RC High School was given good marks in some areas , but was told it must do better in others .
29 ANGRY parents say they are ‘ gutted ’ after a playgroup was told it must leave its premises .
30 Because it was agreed it should be a single storey dwelling and he 's going for he wants a chalet type bungalow .
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