Example sentences of "was [prep] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If he had one talent above all — Alec Guinness has singled it out as his greatest gift — it was for reading verse with intelligence and passion .
2 Her own preference was for retracing Maurice 's route at first light in case he had suffered a breakdown or been involved in an accident .
3 CCG 's first contract back in 1981 was for catering services for Shell on board the Stadrill .
4 When I rang your bank to query this , I was told that it was for supplying information and bank statements to District Audit and that you were going to apply this to all Parish Council accounts .
5 The only payment I received was for travelling expenses from COHSE .
6 Of the £78 million worth of UDGs , £35 million was for commercial developments , £26 million was for industrial developments and £17.5 million was for housing developments .
7 Her unformed talent was for curing injuries ; and she was destined to die .
8 Still high on the Wapping Post , he told Packford it was worth giving News on Sunday a chance .
9 He thought it was worth having back in Northallerton after such a gap .
10 The choice was between having water of ‘ supremely high standard ’ and very high bills or accepting ‘ a tiny bit of risk ’ and lower bills .
11 One of the notable ways in which the Spirit expressed himself in the Christian community was through creating unity .
12 But it was through linking reform to the rates issue and a particular conception of the ‘ people ’ that political specificity was conferred and revealed in the programmes .
13 On this particular occasion , the first fight was about getting Mother into suitable wet-weather gear .
14 It was about laying waste enemy territory , about the pursuit of a retreating army , about sieges .
15 But there was nothing furtive or dubious about watching a crowd of lads playing a game on the sands , any more than there was about carting food to the elderly .
16 I think if I was about say Professor Lock that if I twelve was dispensed with you might notice a difference in terms of the application of I five .
17 They every time , when he rung up Radio Bristol when I was about having coffee the other morning .
18 The scene thus revealed , was of sailing ships in the Bosphorus .
19 He was born in 1898 and one of his earliest and most vivid memories was of seeing Sir Henry Irving in The Bells , an event which sparked off a life-long passion for the theatre .
20 It turns out , I think , that he was being purposely more and more removed from us in order to retain whatever Tony DeFries 's idea was of keeping business separate from pleasure .
21 The view from his cave was of dripping water and a palm tree .
22 He said the Government was considering allowing councillors from each of the three districts within Powys to play a part in local services .
23 Britain , said the press , was considering buying Exocet missiles , having been caught with trousers down .
24 He was considering taking orders , but soon became dispirited by the contrast between the stuffy cant of Wigan 's vicarage and the godless poverty of his parish .
25 At the time , Suter said it was considering taking action against other parties .
26 Last December , the Secretary of State for the Environment , Michael Heseltine , revealed that the Government was considering surrendering Somerset House — largely occupied by the Inland Revenue and the Lord Chancellor 's probate registry — for ‘ some imaginative public use that will add further lustre to London ’ .
27 ‘ When Gary Fleming got injured I was considering putting Pat on and I would n't have been in the slightest bit worried , ’ he stated .
28 STILL champ — but deep down Chris Eubank knows how close it was against punching postman Tony Thornton
29 It was like watching leaves floating on a swiftly flowing river ; every now and then one of the leaves would be arrested against a submerged rock while the great mass of them flowed by even faster on each side .
30 To witness these bearded hard men suddenly zipping into pastel-coloured smocks was like watching Rome burn .
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