Example sentences of "was [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And then there was money for maimed soldiers , for what they called visited persons , which was the plague , fire and candles for the courts of guards , that was paying for fire and candles for all the little sentinel posts round Oxford .
2 There was money for silly things .
3 That to Sergeant Joe was money for old rope .
4 It was money for old rope .
5 On Monday there was the English paper — mainly Twelfth Night , which was money for old rope as I had played Feste at school .
6 I saw that here was opportunity for anthropological study which , when reported abroad , could but add to my fame .
7 From the early 1780s onwards an increasingly elaborate network of agents and informers kept foreigners and even many important figures in the government under surveillance , and from 1782 there was provision for dangerous political prisoners to be held in complete isolation in special underground cells .
8 But as mopping up operations continued there was disappointment for regular customers .
9 All these studies of the transition from school to work discussed so far had assumed that there was work for young people to enter .
10 Suddenly she was doing for silver-haired women of matronly stature what Joan Collins had done for the middle aged .
11 Because of their size they were unable fully to support a family and so there was need for off-farm employment .
12 The Association 's chairman , Paul Bell , said there were signs of confidence creeping back into the market but there was room for additional measures if a fullblown recovery was to be seen .
13 Oresme 's analysis shows that , within the scholastic tradition , there was room for new ideas , even if they were no more than conjectures .
14 But with Germany one third of the firm 's European profit base still in recession , there was room for continuing concern .
15 And Priest , remember , was choreographer for Dioclesian , King Arthur and The Fairy Queen . )
16 When able men occupied the professorial chairs , there was scope for immense development .
17 He also said that in the current , 1992 , fiscal year new lending would rise to $23,000-25,000 million , and that there was scope for considerable loans to the Soviet Union .
18 Confusingly , it was another Richard Hutchinson , of the City and later of Stepney , who was co-treasurer for sick and wounded soldiers , widows , and orphans from 1643 to 1660 and a judge for imprisoned debtors in 1653–4 , and who served as co-paymaster of the navy under the treasurers in 1688–71 , appearing in the latter part of Pepys 's diary .
19 The design team under Hugh Lasson and Misha Black ( both later knighted ) were right in believing that there was hunger for visual stimulation among the British and they got it in the form of sculpture , murals and mobiles by Moore , Hepworth , Piper , Sutherland , Topolski and Epstein as well as a pedestrian precinct which was all grilles and screens and balls and decks and terraces and fountains and colour .
20 Fade out , fade in : two years later the job in Bogotá comes up — actually the last occasion it was Australia for British Telecom — and the dreaded cancellation call has to be made .
21 From 1919 to 1948 she was secretary for social training there , and later published privately a booklet on its history .
22 At 9.03 pm on June 21,1982 Diana produced the son and heir which was cause for national rejoicing .
23 But when the South lost the war , and there was equality for black people , Uncle Elias left America .
24 Life was hell for unsuccessful acts ; not only did the performers have to put up with heckling and catcalls but they had to be agile enough to duck the rotten eggs and fruit thrown by a disgruntled audience .
25 The first baronet was MP for New Shoreham in 1708–13 and 1715–20 : on his death in 1720 , his executors sold his large shareholding in the South Sea Company , and his son was left around £600,000 .
26 Mynne was MP for Old Sarum in 1621 and West Looe in 1624 , both being closed boroughs under royal patronage .
27 Although the immediate context for the ‘ attack ’ on local government was pressure for overall reductions in public spending and local government spending in particular , few of those writing about it have accepted this as a major explanation , partly because the evidence that levels of local government spending are of major significance to the economy are limited , and the arguments that state spending in itself discourages private investment are also weak .
28 She was minister for social action in the Pol Pot era and is regarded as one of the main theoreticians of the party .
29 While she was doing so , she was company for little Sandy , who was just six months old and still in his pram , the image of his daddy , Bruce Mackenzie .
30 Dr Hendron said it was time for political talks to be re-activated .
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