Example sentences of "is take [adv] by " in BNC.

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1 But a film like When the Devil Drives ( 1907 ) , in which a train is taken over by the devil and taken at great speed under the sea and into the sky , shows that length did not necessarily constrict imagination , while The Airship Destroyer ( 1909 ) , with its combination of romance and action in the story of an inventor who develops a missile that will destroy an airship , shows a filmmaker drawing material from contemporary anxieties about aerial combat .
2 2 ( — ) BOOMERANG : Love 'em and leave 'em adman Eddie Murphy gets his come-uppance when his firm is taken over by a woman in this frivolous star vehicle .
3 1980 : UK Decca is taken over by the growing giant that is Polygram .
4 Late 60s early 70s : FLOWER POWER : NME is taken over by the complete staff of OZ magazine .
5 It is taken over by Goblins and fortified .
6 Méliès 's first example , the girl turning into a skeleton in The Vanishing Lady ( 1896 ) , is more persuasively achieved by a dissolve in Hitchcock 's Psycho ( 1960 ) when Norman Bates ( Anthony Perkins ) , locked up in jail , is taken over by his ‘ mother ’ ( that is , his fantasy of the mother he ca n't admit to having killed ) and his face turns into a skull , her skull .
7 After the psychological hyperrealism of the early chapters of Ulysses , the text is taken over by a bewildering variety of voices and discourses — parodic , travestying , colloquial , literary : newspaper headlines , oratory , women 's magazines , pub talk , operatic songs , encyclopaedia articles , and so on ; while the narrative level of the text is full of gaps , non sequiturs , anticlimaxes , and unsolvable enigmas , and the chronological order of events is broken down and rearranged by the operations of memory and the association of ideas in the consciousness of characters .
8 But though the relationship , when satisfactory , is relatively straightforward and works as would be expected when any large organization is taken over by a new and competent managing director , there are other cases where problems can arise .
9 fewer jobs may be required as routine work is taken over by machines
10 In these circumstances it is not difficult to predict speedy failure , unless , as has been proposed , the line is taken over by a British firm which has secured the concession for the building of a line from Shanghai to Peking .
11 When the industry is taken over by a monopolist , the monopolist recognizes that marginal revenue MR is less than price at each output .
12 When a road is taken over by the local authority there are usually substantial charges to be paid , but often , in the case of estate roads , the developers have accepted responsibility and entered into a bond with the local authority to secure their liability .
13 Dowty is taken over by the TI Group
14 She then goes to a cat country far away which is taken over by bandits . ’
15 As this enters my head , my negativity begins to flow out of the soles of my feet and is taken away by the stream .
16 Roughly half of all the CO 2 produced dissolves in the oceans , where some is photosynthesized by plants , is taken up by trees or is taken up within limestone ( calcium carbonate ) .
17 Most of the chart is taken up by tired old album tracks , reissues , remixes — hardly value for money .
18 This means that a good proportion of the interview is taken up by passing information to the candidate .
19 Eighty per cent of the weight of a 450 gram standard SL is taken up by the ballast .
20 The main part of volume three is taken up by a massive review following on from the symbiont chapter in volume two .
21 But most of the length is taken up by the cabin and since the Twingo is taller than a Sierra its packaging prowess is , perhaps , easier to appreciate .
22 Half the space is taken up by a picture of a violin — ah yes , but one with a broken string .
23 Most of the agricultural sector is taken up by part-time crofting but , unusual for Shetland , there are tracts of fertile land sufficiently extensive to allow for some full-time farming .
24 My free time is taken up by the hairdresser and manicurist — and if I do escape them , I have to be fitted at the dressmaker 's .
25 Nowadays , much the greater part of the legislative programme of the two Houses is taken up by Public Bills .
26 It is for this reason that a large part of the first consultation is taken up by conversation .
27 A large part of its small area is taken up by the grounds of The Crystal Palace and by a residential school .
28 Now that we have the front bed working and set to knit , the yarn that is not taken into the slip needle hook no longer forms a float , but is taken up by the opposite needle and is knitted whilst the slip needle still retains its original knitted stitch .
29 This task of completing the sociology of knowledge with a social theory of mind is taken up by Goff ( 1980 ) , who draws together features of Marx 's and Mead 's work .
30 Dolby A becomes the norm in professional tape mastering , while the Dolby B version is taken up by manufacturers of domestic tape decks and software .
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