Example sentences of "is if we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This weekend he seems to be in Bratislava — that is if we understood the five ( at least ) different voices that answered the telephone at the number we have for him .
2 Easy way to do it is if we 've got one
3 The only reason now , looking at the way knitwear is going or any products going , the only way now that we can get the latest is if we design er oh er design new ideas that are want something fresh or fashion takes over .
4 That being so , B can not be trying to deceive A. The only way in which the assumption that B is cooperating can be maintained is if we take B to mean something rather different from what he has actually said .
5 ‘ That is if we get a tail wind , ’ Ian explained .
6 And the thing is if we get up Friday morning , it 's gon na give us enough time , up there .
7 Yeah I realize that but the thing is if we 'd had a phone call to say look , we 're going to be this late ,
8 The difficulty is if we move to something , er , which is supply based as is being suggested , then it could impact even , even greater and so there 's no perfect er , system for this , but there 's got to be a better way .
9 Trouble is if we do n't lay a patio he .
10 which is not a very , but what I 'm saying to Graham is if we do it on a slip road like , cos , cos I 've never done one before , if you , you 'd have to have warning signs if you got a census on the slip coming off
11 Pu pulled Bob out of his coffee yesterday So one of the issues is if we do n't do certainly er the timing , all of the issues that are on there that we 'd like to do erm that means we 've got less testing , if you 're gon na do less testing then so it might be that they er re-utilize the resource that way .
12 No , I mean the only reason I ask is if we do a mailing of a particular thing , then very often the the offer that the market can make , or one of them , is , you know , to see a specimen cassette
13 Right so the thing is if we talk about what you 've read and then The idea is that if there 's anything out of you 've read that 's given you an idea for an essay then you can do that .
14 The answer lies in a thermodynamic state function known as free energy or the Gibbs function , G. This function is related to equation ( 21 ) which , expressed in general terms , is If we multiply this equation through by — T we obtain
15 The worry is , is if we allow participation above a certain level , this will lead to gross inefficiencies in a governmental process .
16 The point is adequately made if we restrict gene values to single figures , that is if we allow them to range from -9 to +9 .
17 Right , so this is if we incorporate expectations in our model of supply response alright , so instead of saying that the the desired level of supply instead of saying that , we say it 's actually this right , if we actually incorporate expectations specifically alright , then we get a supply response model alright , like this and our hypothesis , y'know cos we do n't know how expectations are formed , right , economics ca n't tell us anything about how expectations are formed are they rational , are they naive , are they adaptive , who knows , nobody knows alright .
18 What sticks in their throats , any of those outfits , is if we start running around like it 's our territory . ’
19 In the present situation , the officers find themselves in a very difficult position , I can not imagine an officer saying no to a member and this is what has happened if we run out of money , then the very thing that we are seeking to do , in other words to implement the democratic process to allow people to come to meetings and speak will go by the way , and I can remember some time ago when I was a new member on here saying I would be prepared to attend property sub-committee briefings as a deputy and not be paid and I was very smartly brought up by a friend in the labour group who said that 's all right for you , you can afford it , but it 's not alright for some of us 'cause we can't. and the difficulty is if we run out of money and we either have to stop the allowances or we have to slash the allowances , yeah , knows who it was , we have to slash the allowances , then legitimately people will be able to say that the democratic process is being stifled because they are not going to be allowed to go to meetings , and therefore , I think that situations whereby a member attends to speak to a , an item , a specific item and then stays on for a double length meetings and claims double length allowances that sort of thing has got to be stopped , and also members attending just to nod approval at something that has happened that they 've been associated with , that should stop , if they want to come they should come at their own expense .
20 Right , but what needs to happen is if we continue like this we 're gon na be re-inventing the wheel every year and making a lot of work for yourselves .
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