Example sentences of "is there that [art] " in BNC.

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1 If screams do not cause a single person to react , what hope is there that a small , silent television screen in a bank of twenty-one such screens will be more effective ?
2 What chance is there that a start on such a package could be made in the near future ?
3 But the plot takes us back to Paris and its police for the denouement of the story , and it is there that the real and menacing power is seen to reside .
4 The West Bank terminal was again the focus of job losses yesterday because it is there that the greatest loss of business has occurred .
5 It is there that the most ordinary-seeming ingredients can be re-ordered and re-energised into extraordinary explosions of personality .
6 A sizeable public proves faithful : it is there that the large nineteenth-century operas are given ; it has been christened in Berlioz 's name and inaugurated with a production of Les huguenots .
7 The specific social relations of such privilege are of course derived from the social order as a whole ; it is there that the patron 's powers and resources are enrolled or protected ; in the crudest terms , he is doing what he wishes with his own .
8 It is there , above all , that we see these independent intellectual capacities encouraged , and it is there that the gaze of the state is felt most keenly .
9 And he says , as a result of them being in unity , dwelling together in unity , he says it is there that the Lord commanded the blessing .
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