Example sentences of "is [adj -est] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The argument is clearest in its application to the theatre : recall Harsnett 's view that the theatre was a zone of pollution and licence , one capable of being managed by locating it in a designated place on the social periphery .
2 I can not do better than compare a shoal of bream to a troop of soldiers : a compact , neat , orderly and efficient body of fish that patrol a water when the business of feeding is foremost in their minds .
3 We have to make sure in this trade union and labour movement that because there will be struggles ahead , this has to be one that is foremost in our minds .
4 Indeed the show is strangest at its saddest .
5 It is hardest for your year because you 've known other people to have erm
6 So the guru asked him : ‘ What is the thing that is dearest to you ? ’
7 She is plainest to me not quite dressed , in white bodice and petticoat , her arms and shoulders rounded and creamy smooth .
8 They ca n't tell what bit of an object is nearest to them , so they 're very clumsy when they reach towards things .
9 In 1936 , an article in the American Journal of Nursing claimed that a marijuana taker ‘ will suddenly turn with murderous violence upon whomever is nearest to him ’ .
10 If you are unsure which branch is nearest to you , just put in your local town and your name and address will be passed to your nearest Branch .
11 It is best for her and me too .
12 ‘ Oh , I do n't pay any attention to what they think is best for me .
13 You are not allowed to move the child from his/her home until the court has decided what is best for him/her child .
14 Apparently , parents know what is best for their children , but not as much as the Minister !
15 The programme is structured in such a way that on-going evaluation is simple and results can be reflected on from time to time by the Family Development Nurse and Community Mother so that the monthly visit to the family which is the main focus of the programme for achieving goals can be adapted to each family 's level and the issues that are discussed are relevant , nonjudgemental , and supportive of the parents ' own ideas and recognises the parents ' desire to do what is best for their children .
16 Of course they would not , because just like me they are trying to find an answer that is as close as possible to what is best for their nations and for Europe as a whole .
17 We have been responsible for launching our children into life and are well aware that we have made the usual crop of mistakes , even though we have tried our hardest to do what is best for them .
18 Better still , he loves my children even more than I do and wants what is best for them .
19 I have also learned to pray that God will do what he sees is best for them .
20 However , three powerful forces — habit , convenience , and ignorance or diffidence about alternatives — propel most people into this decision , rather than any conscious evaluation of what is best for them .
21 Simply to decide upon the basis of what we think is best for them can be a form of prejudice .
22 As he emphasized , ‘ Western democracy is not suitable for my people … my rule through the tribal council is best for them . ’
23 It is precisely because I am so in favour of family planning — of women ( and men ) planning their own families — that I am so supicious of any population policy that attempts to do anything but help them have the number of children they think is best for them .
24 It is precisely because I am so in favour of family planning — of women ( and men ) planning their own families — that I am so supicious of any population policy that attempts to do anything but help them have the number of children they think is best for them .
25 We believe that women have their own needs and are capable of deciding what is best for them .
26 This can be aided by the use of application packages which the users can try out and choose what is best for them .
27 I I I just wondered with the so-called if staff members independent advice , erm , on what is best for them to do with superannuation pension scheme .
28 There should be clearer labelling of food so that people can determine what is best for them .
29 Generally , it is best for him or her to have some input into the management and other contracts instead of inheriting them from a lawyer .
30 You will be angry I know and accuse me of all manner of evil things but one thing you can not accuse me of Lily is not caring for your son upon whose life I swear I love him truly and want only what is best for him .
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