Example sentences of "is [Wh det] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The contribution to from the antisymmetric part is which vanishes identically , and so any anti-symmetric part of can safely be neglected .
2 Then the expression for the area of the spherical surface labelled by r is which expands indefinitely as the distance s from the origin increases .
3 What goes into this F of , is whatever came out of that F of .
4 The real question is what influences actually produce people who make good and willing technologists at both the professional and skilled levels .
5 If this anthropological effort is what emerges most clearly from the Formen , we must not forget that it is here , as in all Marx 's work , for a political purpose .
6 Tredworth in green and black hoops were well and truly beaten on the field , but it is what went on off the field , that this cup game will be remembered for .
7 What really annoys me is what happens whenever the magic words ‘ million ’ or ‘ billion ’ are uttered .
8 The gingerbread should not be robbed of its gilt and yet this is what happens whenever hot news about impending changes turns into the cold gruel of daily management .
9 And those of you who see this as some bureaucratic nightmare or the real face of 1984 — that is , State imposition of values and goals — it is perhaps helpful to recall that this is what happens now in an unsystematic , and therefore inefficient , way ; and , of course , it is the route accepted by that arch-priestess of free choice , Mrs Thatcher .
10 We need an effective independent regulator , not the mafia regulating mafia and saying it 's quite understandable boy , we 'll let you off this time which is what happens now er with the Institute of Chartered Accountants er as a recognised supervisory body er in this er in this particular field .
11 This is what keeps open a breathing-space for the spiritual and moral dimensions to the investigation of truth in a world whose natural bent is to exclude it .
12 They cause objects to seem to shift in position by only a small amount , which is what objects plausibly can be expected to do in the real world .
13 The filtrate is what goes through .
14 Having said this though , it is what goes on in the woman-only space , which defines it as graduated separatism or not .
15 I think especially in the , in the hotel project it 's useful to have a little bar chart saying this is what goes on in a bathroom .
16 Most fungi grow as long thin threads called hyphae — they are so slender that they can only be seen under a microscope , but a mass of intertwined hyphae is visible : this is what makes up toadstools and mushrooms .
17 ‘ If you have a room which is meant to be a meeting place of all the chief Daleks , and what they 're talking about is power — power over other civilisations , power over other planets — then power and domination is what comes through in the dialogue , and is the feeling behind what you want to create .
18 The proliferation of one-day cricket — there were 227 limited-over internationals played between the last two World Cups — is a reflection of modern-day audience demand , and , overseas anyway , is what brings in the cash .
19 And that is what lies ahead in Latin American media — especially in television , and especially from big rivals to the north .
20 So , if this way of looking at the world is what starts up that vital fire in your imagination , then you would do well to take Watson 's top and have as your hero someone imbued with plenty of ordinary commonsense .
21 Labour opposes discrimination against lesbian mothers and has Annual Conference policy in support of lesbian mothers ' custody rights , but this is quite separate from winning elections — which is what matters most .
22 It costs a lot in human suffering , but saves money , which is what matters now , supposedly . ’
23 For a growing number , being in a good relationship is what matters so if the relationship — and therefore the marriage — deteriorates , couples choose to separate .
24 But the real wage is what matters so far as jobs are concerned .
25 The other part is what has already been done — the massive and permanent shift in funding from local to central taxation .
26 Now erm I think Michael said he would go for decentralization and we know this is what has already started in our Housing Department .
27 This is what has so often happened in the past ; and although the Chancellor has made it clear that low inflation remains his goal , now that the country is out of the ERM there is not a great deal that he can do to prevent it .
28 This is what has so often happened in the past ; and though the Chancellor has made it clear that low inflation remains his goal , now that the country is out of the ERM there is not a great deal that he can do to prevent it .
29 Yet in Malta , in Northern Ireland and especially in the Republic that is what has often been requested or demanded by party organizers and by candidates .
30 I thought if I was a little bit fitter , fresher and stronger I would be able to do a better job — which is what turned out in the end . ’
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