Example sentences of "is [not/n't] just [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Open Edition is due out later this year , and is not just MVS with Posix bolted on the side , according to David Hammond , but a release that required a re-write of substantial portions of the MVS operating system .
2 for it is not just school education that is under fire at the present time .
3 It is not just money — the EC 's one-drachma-out-of-every-17 gift to the Greek economy — that Greece gets from its link to Western Europe .
4 You 're talking about have and have not , but have and have not in the sense of money surely class is not just money ?
5 It is not just Whitehall that must change .
6 In the business of safety it is not just accidents that cost — not being able to prove that you have accidents under control can be very expensive .
7 It is not just discrepancies in enrolments which are significant , but the ability of children to remain at school and profit from their education .
8 ‘ It is not just statistics that are involved , it is also research and information generally , ’ he said .
9 The problem here is not just possessiveness and failure to live up to the high ethical ideals proclaimed by a religion .
10 Erm the J C one we 'll have to try and deal with that again as a separate issue but I do n't , I mean the amount of time we 're losing from high levels of sickness we talked about a c couple of meetings or so ago , about the absence levels with some people , we 've just got ta make sure we crack that on the head , we 're just haemorrhaging money , the fact that it is not just hours it 's money .
11 Access and freedom-to-roam are issues dear to the heart of most Scots , but it is not just boots and shoes that are involved nowadays , but canoes , windsurfers , paragliders , boats of all kinds , and bikes .
12 But it is not just distance from the shore that is important — the number of birds between a duck and the shore is important too .
13 But it is not just knowledge that matters in this view of women 's education ; it is control over the learning process .
14 These are just two of many aspects of this Directive which give serious cause for concern , and it is not just Britain , but also Germany , Holland and Belgium that have reservations .
15 This is not just species vanity .
16 It is not just women who are faced with the dilemma of choosing between jobs , families and social commitments .
17 But it is not just women who have succumbed to his chemistry .
18 It is not just women who are keen to change their looks .
19 I simply wan na say two things and that is this that within a month if this scheme is to work I believe that the council or the social services committee must draw up a long list of homes which it proposes to close and that long list will be in teams and that must be done not behind closed doors so that people know what is being proposed , we level with people who live in those institutions and they are fully acquainted with our , with our intentions and secondly I think it 's necessary to understand from this programme that it is not just refurbishment programme , it is a refurbishment and closure programme the simple equation being that the money that comes from closures from capital receipts and some revenue savings , actually goes into the rest to refurbish them .
20 It is not just ignorance , but arrogance ; you do not think it is going to happen to you .
21 Secondly , we are now in a position to see how we can isolate uses of perceptual words from implications of possible judgement , for what remains is not just behaviour and ‘ sensory data ’ , as Frey supposes , but pre-linguistic prototypes of the fully developed language-game .
22 ‘ The Forum is not just actors and intellectuals . ’
23 What he denies is not just veteris vestigia flammae but what Racine makes his Phèdre say , in appalled awareness of her own condition : C'est Vénus tout entière à sa proie attachée .
24 However , it is not just beginners who make mistakes and get caught out .
25 can a radically different work still be carried on under a single heading or department when there is not just diversity of approach but more serious and fundamental differences about the object of knowledge ( despite overlapping of the actual material of study ) ?
26 The land held in reserve in Richmondshire 's case is not just land held in reserve for existing firms to expand on , but also includes three sites which are identified in this document as being reserved for development after two thousand and one , between two thousand and one and two thousand and six .
27 Demonstrating that it is not just Government ministers who get neurotic about the media , Meacher desperately blamed ‘ malicious and fabricated press reporting ’ .
28 The problem is that it is not just life expectancy that determines whether the child has this ‘ right to live ’ ; often handicaps such as Down 's Syndrome which is one of the primary forms of mental handicap identified by tests , are considered such a burden both to the child and the family that the pregnancy will be terminated .
29 Letting a wine ‘ breathe ’ is not just part of its mystique — it allows oxygen to enter , which releases flavours and softens harsh edges , so you can appreciate its flavour .
30 Members will see at paragraph eight , how the dep er office compares with the national average , we are well , well below that , and I think this is a very good service indeed er , county council , which is not just value for money , that that 's too glib , but actually provides an excellent service , with within those limited constraints .
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