Example sentences of "is [not/n't] in the " in BNC.

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1 Even your first flight could end up with a field landing and , if the wheel brake lever is not in the usual position for you , your habits will catch you out as you claw for the non-existent lever in panic .
2 The Furus have agreed to return to work — for wages instead of marioc — on condition that it is not in the red iron mines .
3 Its price reflects the fact that it is not in the category of software expected to sell in millions of copies .
4 Certainly the deliberate naïveté here is not in the least false , but has the limpid directness of some of the Chinese poems that Pound had marvellously transfigured in Cathay ( 1915 ) .
5 Evans , like Haggerty , is not in the Saints side for his cerebral contribution , though there was evidence against New Zealand last week that the giant prop is at last gaining an understanding of his league potential .
6 He adds that it is not in the traders ' interests for the elephants to die out .
7 If the exact gross pay is not in the table use the nearest lower figure and the contribution shown next to that lower figure
8 is not in the European Community
9 There is a widely held view among many business experts that selling off a business to a management buy-out team is the easy way out and is not in the best interests of a company 's shareholders .
10 That is to say he is not in the least drawn to the idea that Christ came in the flesh , and he finds the simplicity and literalism of what might be termed ‘ mere Christianity ’ frankly unacceptable .
11 The new wave is not in the heroic mould of famous ‘ refuseniks ’ like Anatoly Scharansky , Ida Nudel and Josef Begun , who finally arrived in Israel after years of persecution , exile and imprisonment .
12 The failure is not in the argument , which is powerful and important , but in the approach .
13 And Pau is not in the mass tourist market .
14 The hall , settled in the lee of two gentle slopes on a narrow road leading westward out of the main street is not in the least unassuming !
15 Britain is not in the first rank of energy-efficient nations , but , taking 1975 as 100 , the energy requirements backing each unit of GDP fell from 115 in 1970 to 81 in 1987 .
16 Its interest is not in the particular parts of particular kinds of thing , however , but in those parts which all material things have in common .
17 The essence of the court 's answer was that ‘ It is not in the public interest that people should try to cause or should cause each other actual bodily harm for no good reason . ’
18 But for most conservation and environmental issues , there is no market , so it is not in the farmer 's interest to buy some advice . ’
19 ‘ He is not in the least like any of Henrietta 's children , but when I see him laugh and run he makes me think of them , being nearer the little one 's age than my Penini .
20 The Abbess of Barking complained that her wood of Alderfen , belonging to her manor of Tollesbury , had been recalled into the Forest of Essex , ‘ although she says the wood is not in the forest and ought not to be ’ .
21 They can not conceive the rest of the country is not in the same shape . ’
22 Understandably , Mr Anderson is slightly put out , but he assures me he is not in the least surprised .
23 John Major is not in the same league but one of his outstanding merits is the capacity to master a brief , even at short notice .
24 The fans have created a special Anglo-Gallic chant for him , and they call for his reinstatement when he is not in the team , as was the case here for all but the last six minutes .
25 Further analysis of the above five steps could be conducted ( for instance , it is worth noting that they are made up of ( I ) non-drama — 1 ( 2 ) nun-drama — 1 ( 3 ) drama — 1 ( 4 ) non-drama — 1 ( 5 ) drama activities ) but it is not in the matter of graded steps within a sequence that drama resembles a game : the game element of drama is inherent within each stop .
26 In print she boasts that she is not in the least attracted by drugs , even scared to touch ‘ ordinary cheerful liquor ’ .
27 The non-trivial point I am making is that the difference is not in the presence of an additional reason for action , but in the existence of a pre-emptive reason .
28 The undesirable aspect of duress is not in the absence of choice but in the fact that it is engineered in order to extract the consent .
29 He is not in the business of ingratiating himself with Stuart Baxter .
30 Its famous dictum was nuptias non concubitus , sed consensus facit : ‘ marriage is not in the intercourse but in the consent . ’
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