Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [subord] i " in BNC.

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1 He is trapped as I can not be trapped .
2 Frankly , I do n't much like wearing them — however , it is expected so I 'll put it on when I get in .
3 The former can do no more than skim the surface of an area which has recently been very heavily mined ; the latter is included because I think that this theory , though recent , is more than a passing fashion and contains some insights into the nature of knowledge .
4 ‘ Your tea is ruined so I threw it in the bin .
5 If I do need to remove the fish can you give me any suggestions on housing them temporarily while the tank is cleaned as I only have one tank .
6 Next day the place is flooded so I do n't get a chance to play with Trevino , just stand on the practice ground and watch him hit balls .
7 If I am warned that my weight makes it highly likely that I will suffer health problems in hot climates , the probability of my being ill is reduced if I do either one of two things — lose weight and/or avoid the tropics , Thus , I have some choice about my life .
8 I — we — the spirit world is assumed where I am coming from .
9 The chimney is blocked so I could n't light a fire to heat anything up and I went without a hot drink for those four days .
10 I want to question my belief , so that what is left after I have questioned it , will be even stronger . ’
11 I own a Yamaha FL10 MII , but I find that much of the drive and body of my bass sound is lost when I operate the flanger .
12 ‘ This is much harder to handle but I know what is required because I have been here before . ’
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