Example sentences of "is [vb pp] from [det] " in BNC.

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1 This is calculated from such accurate activity analysis as that from Taunton , in which the total general surgical activity in both NHS and private practice that was required in the year 1990–1 for a relatively captive population in west Somerset was as follows : 25.1 new outpatient referrals per 1000 population ; 28.1 intermediate equivalent ( hernia ) operations per 1000 population .
2 A target figure is reached for the total stock within each interest category , and the annual replacement figure is calculated from this and from examining the range of depreciation factors at work on the stock .
3 Language orders the world of perception and at the same time constitutes a knowing subject that perceives and yet is distinguished from that world .
4 — Mankind is distinguished from all other creatures in two respects : he alone is made in God 's own likeness ; and he is given charge over all the rest .
5 It is distinguished from all other pigs in that , instead of building a nest of leaves and grass , it lives in holes originally dug by another animal , the aardvark .
6 Each tuple in a relation is distinguished from another because one or more attributes in a relation are designated key attributes .
7 An exchange 's rulebook , and the exchange 's function generally , is distinguished from most commercial contracts by its multilateral nature .
8 A pool of light is formed from several smaller pools of personal light , but the source of each single light must be acknowledged too .
9 ‘ Every idea which is held in the mind takes its origin from the senses … [ it ] either comes through the senses , or is formed from those which come through the senses . ’
10 ‘ As I expect you are aware , Mr Leland , my room in your Private Wing is booked from this evening , but as I wanted to attend a regimental dinner tonight , with Mr Remington-Hart 's consent I 'm not moving in until tomorrow . ’
11 Therefore sICAM-1 is shed from both , HT-29 and Ca-Co-2 cells .
12 She is rescued from this fate however by Eros , the god of Love , who himself falls in love with her .
13 A high but realistic standard of work and behaviour is expected from all pupils , and generally the response is positive .
14 He told Morrissey ( the ‘ Steven ’ is dropped from this moment onwards ) that this was how Leiber and Stoller had met .
15 The boot containing the folding camp bed is omitted from this view — cf photographs .
16 It seems unlikely that many cases will occur now in relation to the old law , and therefore it is omitted from this book .
17 These relatively thick slices give good mechanical rigidity and wide zones of waste for first face lapping and final finishing , so that the completed section is made from that part of the slice unaffected by saw damage .
18 The character itself is made from either metal , the best quality , or plastic and is hammered through the ribbon leaving a complete impression on the paper .
19 Malt whisky is made from malted barley , while grain whisky is made from both malted and unmalted barley , and maize .
20 Every object in these paintings is separated from those surrounding it by layers of tactile , visible space which enable the spectator 's eye to reach from one part of the canvas to another , from one object to another , by a series of clearly defined pictorial passages .
21 ‘ Effective collection systems should also be put in place to ensure that the levy is collected from any income earners , particularly the self-employed professionals and farmers ’ .
22 As the price of the contract goes against one of the counterparties , the resulting loss is met from that counterparty 's initial margin and is paid over to the other counterparty as profit .
23 A final list of key issues is prepared from all those suggestions put forward by the individual planners through informal discussions .
24 When we come to the Sufis , death is seen from another world and it is seen transfigured .
25 You have got to accustom yourself to the book that is written from several different viewpoints .
26 If hit by a magic weapon , the Crystal Cloak is immediately dispelled but no damage is suffered from that hit and the magic weapon which inflicted the hit will be destroyed on the D6 roll of a 3 or more .
27 That also acts as our acceptance of the booking on the terms of this Charter and your holiday is secured from that moment .
28 ( a ) make sure that all the parties and the court understand what the case is about ; ( b ) see if there is any possibility of settling the dispute , and if not , decide how it is going to be heard and how long the hearing will last ; ( c ) decide what documents or other evidence is needed from both sides . ’
29 As with agents , it is important for the manufacturer to develop a good working relationship with the overseas distributor as commitment to the commercial relationship is needed from both sides .
30 The all-over leaf pattern is produced from another portion of the vase design , ( again remember to program as negative image ) .
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