Example sentences of "is [adv] that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend the Member for Dagenham ( Mr. Gould ) corrects me : it is rather that Brian Walden will visit the Secretary of State for lunch and take the cameras with him .
2 Similarly , it is inconceivably that Mrs Thatcher would have succeeded in the American context .
3 Trent is not alone among regions ; it is merely that Trent does not conceal its statistics .
4 To repeat , the association between homosexuality and the sexual lite of a woman is not necessarily insulting to either ; it is only that Mailer 's denigrating version of it forewarns of the crassness of the version of sexual difference which constitutes both the origin and horizon of his vision , and once again indicates an intense apprehensiveness in the face of imagined male passivity , and the way it is oft en conceived in terms of a denigrated and denigrating femininity at once utterly alien to yet strangely inherent within the male .
5 Let us pretend that it is only that Grainne is too far above me , and let us continue the pretence , for I do not think I can bear it any other way .
6 The problem he says is only that Mr Tijani turned out to be so ill , otherwise he came as a legitimate private patient .
7 ‘ Neither was I. The reason I intend to keep my stake in this house is so that Kirsty and I can use it when we come up to Scotland . ’
8 The truth is perhaps that Lévi-Strauss 's conception of structure has no greater intrinsic value than Radcliffe-Brown 's — although it is made to carry a vastly more elaborate analytical superstructure .
9 The truth is probably that Ceauşescu cheated on everyone , and that Pacepa , involved on the pro-Russian side , was unaware of the extent to which Ceauşescu was also double-crossing Moscow .
10 It is here that William the Conqueror is said to have bribed two friars to help him gain access to the City of York after he had besieged it unsuccessfully .
11 It is here that Tricia loves to entertain and eat out when the weather 's right .
12 It is here that Duval-Leroy , supplier of Sainsbury 's Champagne for the last 14 years , has its headquarters .
13 The Manor is sited in pleasantly wooden grounds and it is here that Alford truly comes to life on Spring and August Bank Holiday weekends .
14 It is here that John Bell , a theorist at CERN , Europe 's centre for nuclear research , has made a very valuable contribution .
15 It is here that Coetzee 's work suffers from the lack of a more ambitious comparative framework , Coetzee 's work on the Conservative leagues is similar to Geoffrey Eley 's analysis of the German ‘ radical right ’ before 1914 .
16 If anywhere , it is here that Potter 's inexperience shows .
17 It is here that Bartimaeus , a blind beggar sitting by the side of the road , cried out to be cured of his blindness .
18 The ‘ Second ’ Prokofiev Sonata comes first on the disc — in its original guide as a flute sonata it dies predate the First Sonata — and it is here that Hardy and Devos really distinguish themselves .
19 At the same time the kairos approach apparently allows it to be said that the past has not been at fault ; it is simply that God moves with humanity into a new age .
20 The hope is simply that God in his mercy will deal with the cancer of hate , suspicion , fear and selfishness in the guts of men , black and white ; and that He will lead us , as we obey Him , out of the political , economic deadlocks into sanity .
21 But above all it is there that René Jacobs 's enthusiastic reconstructions of Monteverdi 's dramatic works have seen the light of day .
22 And indeed what evidence is there that Sicily as a physical presence , a quite insistent presence as generations of travellers have found it , ever modified Pound 's sensibility in the least ?
23 Crow Road is also a dingily respectable thoroughfare in Glasgow , and it is there that Prentice beds his uncle 's former lover , his own ‘ Aunty ’ Janice .
24 It is there that Mr Kohl 's fine political antennae could get the worse of him .
25 It is then that Tara will belong to the Humans . ’
26 It is then that Ahn stepped forward to protect me .
27 The point is however that Olympia was not a classic nude or even a high-class courtisane , but as Clark notes , a ‘ fille publique ’ , ‘ a faubourienne ’ .
28 The cause of your problem is firstly that WordPerfect 5.1 does n't fit well with Windows 3.1 — to be honest it 's a bit primitive .
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