Example sentences of "is [adv] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 This is not to say that PGCE ( and in-service ) tutors do not attempt to develop ‘ professional ’ rather than ‘ craftsman ’ knowledge and attitudes , it is rather to say that the professional knowledge is built on shaky foundations .
2 The object is rather to demonstrate that the success of Nizan 's writing technique is ultimately dependent on the interaction of two different but , in the final analysis , mutually dependent discourses .
3 To deny that these clear and generally accepted principles apply to nuclear weapons is effectively to say that these weapons are outside international law , that nuclear weapons in themselves abolish international law .
4 This is basically to ensure that the , the branches are complying er to legislations .
5 Perhaps this is merely to say that the pluralist has a theory of language , whereas the monist does not .
6 The concept of equisignificance can now be easily explained , for to say of two symbols that they have the same meaning is merely to say that they both express the same species of thought .
7 It is merely to affirm that in the end if education is to grow deep roots in the working-class , they will be nourished more by what people learn than how they learn ’ .
8 My purpose here is merely to suggest that the English choral tradition , with its reliance upon young voices ' and its tinge of Protestant Englishness , turns the memories and dreams of a social class into sound .
9 To claim that explanation in geography can go no further is only to say that it is inadequate to its task , and ignores the fact that many geographers are going further :
10 They exist ‘ merely as a means ’ which is only to say that , lacking language and self-consciousness , they are unable to plan and debate projects of their own as do moral agents .
11 He adds , however , that to recognize the point is only to recognize that testing is what matters .
12 When families like those in the novels of Ivy Compton-Burnett hold on to their houses at all costs , it is only to discover that their houses hold on to them .
13 What you 're working towards here , is obviously to say that they were stopped and that this was the end of the flood , so it 's got to be something , something very major , and something like swirling currents Current , currents or raging waves does do that , I suppose .
14 True prevention is thus to ensure that women are immunised against diseases which can cause mental handicap in the foetus long before they plan to conceive .
15 And of committee and of sorry a special erm meeting between the four officers that produced minutes to all part and this was one of them about this particular issue , which just just is just to record that Westbourne 's Parish Council 's er views were taken into account .
16 This is partly to say that Richard Chandos and his frequent companion-in-arms , George Hanbury , are commonplace adventurers compared with Rudolf Rassendyll , in spite of the resonance of Chandos 's name .
17 This is partly to ensure that any increase in profitability can be identified as the result of improved efficiency rather than a change in the method of compiling the accounts .
18 To maintain that the content of literature is part of a system of signs with a structure of its own , independent of the ‘ real ’ world , is clearly to maintain that it is in theory analyzable in the same way as its language ; but in practice a ready-made set of conceptual tools is simply not available .
19 It is also to agree that they could not be said to represent the mass of unskilled working people .
20 Which is also to say that it is not the case that there is no connection , or that a category mistake is involved in the mere comparison .
21 Our ambition is also to ensure that the big questions and the difficult questions are asked across a range of issues .
22 What we have done is we have erm been able to utilise some A C T capacity or generate some A C T capacity within one of the subsidiaries within the group um the reason for highlighting it highlighting it is not particularly to make a song and dance about it but is particularly to say that on the cash flow statement there is this in-flood and it is a one off in-flood we 're not going to be seeing that being brought forward every year , but basically what it is is we have profits in previous elements of the group which enabled us to generate A C T capacity enabled us to off set this A C T which we paid on dividends and bringing forward earlier than we would otherwise have done .
23 My first , er , but sad duty is simply to say that Sir Kenneth , our President , had hoped to be here , but he 's had er , an operation and er , he is not really quite well enough , so I was asked as a Vice-President , whether I would stand in for him , at the weekend , and er I shall do my best , and erm , I 'm glad to have to opportunity of doing one or two things , but we 'll come to those in due time .
24 The best solution from my point of view is simply to recognise that rivers are part of the natural heritage of our country and that they should be made public rights of way , just as footpaths are .
25 It is simply to recognise that the structure of the ‘ proof ’ in both cases , in Rawls 's case an a priori proof , in Kohlberg 's case an experimental one , actually presupposes what it sets out to establish .
26 According to them , to accept the legitimacy of an authority is simply to accept that whatever other reasons there may be for a certain action , its being required by the authority is an additional reason for its performance .
27 But unless you want to spend your time and money on litigation against surveyors , building societies , estate agents and solicitors , with no guarantee of success in the end , you need to become as competent as you possibly can in carrying out your own surveys , even if it is simply to check that the ‘ expert ’ has n't missed anything .
28 Such has been the division that to describe a sociologist as a theorist is almost to suggest that he does not engage in field studies .
29 The cough is there to signal that something is going awry and needs attention after which it will be all right .
30 The board is there to ensure that the share-holders achieve the best return on their investment .
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