Example sentences of "is [adv] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It is a word which is mostly only used when we discuss Hitler 's treatment of the Jews or when we consider Cambodia .
2 But as Table 12.1 shows , the incidence of poverty among older women , especially lone women , is strikingly high compared with that of men .
3 Work with teachers and students producing materials of their own is a very important part of resource provision , and librarianship training is less sufficient here ( but see " Production : one mode of acquisition ; in Chapter 6 ) Equally , question 5 is properly best answered , neither by a librarian nor by an ILEA media resource officer , but by an experienced teacher with a leadership role in curriculum development and methodology .
4 Strictly speaking , this alternative ‘ mental ’ element is not a mens rea requirement at all , although it is properly enough described as a fault element .
5 All this is widely socially sanctioned , so we can hardly describe ourselves as ‘ animal lovers ’ .
6 Various names are used , such as administrative therapy , but the technique is most generally referred to as the therapeutic community approach .
7 This is not a matter of a reversion to the consideration of the city as a distinctive cultural form , an idea which is most generally associated with the work of Simmel but which was also essential to classic Chicago school urban ecology .
8 To follow this argument in more detail , it is worth turning to the product which is most intimately associated with the earliest period of the industrial revolution , that is cotton cloth .
9 However , the broad principle which informs Benveniste 's category of the personal is most pertinently extrapolated onto a narrative model by Barthes when he points out that traditional critical practice has tended to attribute all apparently subjective ( or personal ) elements to a psychological reality placed outside the language of the text itself : the mind or personality of the author , the narrator or a character in the story .
10 This is most effectively encapsulated in PPG Note 12 which replaces the presumption in favour of development with one in favour of the development plan .
11 If a system of government is , in the long term to continue to enjoy the broad acquiescence on which , in a democratic society , it stands , it must be sufficiently responsive to the voices of the governed and this is most effectively ensured by the constitution 's providing for the regulation of social affairs at the lowest and most immediate level possible .
12 This is most effectively demonstrated in the case of Sony 's Walkman , where the bass sound you hear is in effect a trick created by using cross-frequencies to ‘ synthesise ’ low bass in the mini-headphones ; it sounds low , but out loud there would be no real impact because it does n't actually exist !
13 This is most effectively done using some variant of the ‘ whistle-a-happy-tune ’ strategy .
14 The relationship between linguistic theory , the description of a particular language based upon it , and the way that language is actualized as behaviour in contexts of use is analogous to the relationship between a pedagogic theory of language learning , the devising of teaching materials based upon it , and the way that language is most effectively actualized for learning in the contexts of particular classrooms .
15 An in-service activity can be conceived as something one person does to another , with the assumption that change is most effectively produced from outside ; or as a process in which teachers are centrally involved in analysing their own situation and needs and working out the best ways of tackling these .
16 The ensuing " false " enquiry is itself underwritten by one global assumption of both a teleological and ideological nature ; the belief that the truth of Nizan 's contingent existence is most effectively disclosed by locating the significance of his insertion within the French communist party ; that is to say , the reasons why he joined the party , the image that he created of himself and of the party whilst he was a member , and the reasons why he left the party .
17 The virus is most effectively passed on through blood or semen , and has to enter the bloodstream to become established .
18 It is the part of the poem which is most fundamentally centred on Ireland , as Artegall 's principal quest is to free Eirena from her enslavement by Grantorto , a cruel giant .
19 The linguistic skills where a deficiency is most frequently cited are :
20 Skynner says the question he is most frequently asked is whether therapy has not dampened Cleese 's power of comic invention : is a happier Cleese not a duller one ?
21 Primary data is most frequently collected by means of surveys , based on questionnaires or interviews .
22 It 's not only a problem between women and men , though that is where it is most frequently seen .
23 It is most frequently done with the middle finger .
24 The decoration is most frequently made by incised lines , wide or narrow , close-set or widely spaced , produced by small hand tools ; in its most extreme form the surface can be corrugated .
25 The tension is most frequently released in tears .
26 It is most frequently found in sexually active women from their late teens to early thirties and is particularly common in pregnancy , especially during the first few months .
27 The first , which is much more liberal , is most frequently found in business sales cases .
28 IF Peter Pan is the most popular of JM Barrie 's plays in the world at large , the one which is most frequently revived in the playwright 's native Scotland is What Every Woman Knows .
29 Notations 2.6.2 ( i ) If unc is a function from A to B we emphasise this by writing unc ( ii ) Given ( a , b ) ε f the uniquely determined b is most frequently denoted by either f(a) or af .
30 The reverse punch is most frequently used in a counter-attack .
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