Example sentences of "is [adj] for his " in BNC.

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1 Mr Atkins has , on his visits to the school , expressed his admiration for the involvement of the school in the community and the school is grateful for his co-operation , advice and support .
2 The court is grateful for his assistance .
3 In addition , the occupational therapist needs to go into the appropriate scheme for the disabled person to ensure that the work is right for his or her requirements .
4 ‘ He is but a little younger than you and is tall for his age , it is said . ’
5 He was presumably influenced in this direction by the churchmen around him , among whom Wilfrid is conspicuous for his known familiarity with the see of St Peter .
6 More specifically , I have attempted to trace some of the interrelationships among several ‘ orientations ’ or ‘ themes ’ in Semai life — dependence and nurturance , danger , individualism , and autonomy — that interact in constituting , socially , psychologically , and culturally , a reality where individuals are , on the one hand , at risk of being alone in an unremittingly hostile world and , on the other , tightly enclosed in a network of kin and co-villagers upon whom each is dependent for his very survival .
7 Professor Gregory is distinguished for his studies in experimental psychology , most notably in visual perception and the nature of visual illusions .
8 Mr Visse 's squally tone , like a Parisian street urchin 's , is perfect for his Renaissance songs , some with frankly obscene texts ( Harmonia Mundi HMC 901271 and HMA 1901174 ) .
9 Now he is fearful for his job should Labour-run Birmingham resume control .
10 A kick which falls short places the kicker at a distinct disadvantage , because his body weight is totally behind the kick , so that it is easy for his opponent to pull him off balance .
11 He is grieving for his child . ’
12 It is remarkable for his description there of the way in which his own original composition had been done .
13 Baydon Star is unpenalised for his victory in yesterday 's Tom Masson Trophy Hurdle and looks something of a snip with a weight of 10st for the two mile race .
14 Kirk is famous for his monster rhythm sound .
15 Daumier is famous for his satirical lithographs ; his equally good drawings and watercolours are less known as so many of them are in private collections .
16 The prince is famous for his swings of mood and changes of mind .
17 Lombroso , the originator of this school , is famous for his theory that criminals can be picked out by inherited physical stigmata ( cranial deformities , excessive body hair , and so on ) .
18 His son , Isambard Kingdom Brunel , is famous for his railway work and for his ships .
19 Howard is famous for his points targets .
20 Serrano is famous for his images of Christ immersed in a variety of bodily fluids .
21 Alongside Scott McNealy , at the ‘ Meeting of the minds ’ press conference in California , on 1 September , will be Sun 's lasest hotshot recruit Dr Boris Babaian — the inventor of the 10GFlop Elbrus supercomputer developed for the Soviet space programme — who is renowned for his wizardry with software architecture .
22 Brian , known as S J Stephens on the North-East club circuit , is renowned for his Elvis impersonations .
23 Clearly though she is disappointed at not seeing him — and is concerned for his welfare .
24 This belief , expressed in the legal doctrine of novus actus interruptus , is that a person is responsible for his own actions , and others are not responsible even if they induced his action by suggesting that there are reasons for it , or by behaving in ways which led him to form such a belief .
25 Unsurprisingly , he 's reluctant to discuss their relationship — after all , since DEF II falls under her authority , most people assume she is responsible for his career .
26 The prevailing ethos today is that the state not the individual is responsible for his welfare , that the erosion of private property rights and the control by the state of many areas of our lives is legitimate and welcome and that the distribution of wealth must take precedence over its creation .
27 To say either that someone acts authoritatively or that someone is responsible for his actions may depend upon the possibility of ascribing mental states or capacities but neither is merely a shorthand way of ascribing them .
28 Who or what is responsible for his growth ? ’
29 He is small for his age with large brown eyes , a toothy smile , sloping shoulders and a readiness to please .
30 It is essential for his reputation that he again walk as Manager into the Branch which he managed as if he had never been dismissed .
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