Example sentences of "is [prep] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Er , on paragraph nine the government 's own figures show that there is a shortfall of glee while the others who have a a social conscience , a and that they 've mixed , the site provision is n't keeping pace with the growth of the number of caravans and yet , what it 's proposing to do in this paper will make the situation worse by removing any incentive erm and any requirement on local authorities actually to provide the sites that are needed to make up that shortfall and it 's quite clear that what this is about is actually what it is happening in housing in general and that is shifting provision from the pri , from the public to the private sector .
2 Either the man she is with is not ready for a long-term commitment , he may be violent and she wants to keep him away from the child .
3 Just how far the condition is from being any kind of a joke was vividly brought home in last night 's QED ( BBC1 ) , Night Terrors .
4 The only relief is from being constantly carried and even then the relief may not last or they will want to be carried first by one parent and then the other .
5 That particular stretch of the motorway is in is very very busy , where he stopped was just round a fairly blind right hand bend and traffic was approaching that at their normal lane three speed , and they were faced with a stationery vehicle .
6 The danger is in being too high on your approach to the line , and having to barge in , with no rights .
7 One way of being dignified is to be above it all , to be silent when provoked .
8 While its powers will be limited by both the president and the lower house , the fact that it is to be freely elected will give it hard-to ignore moral authority .
9 The type of detailed empirical research reviewed above suggests that scepticism is to be strongly recommended .
10 Those who heard the lecture will want to read it , and for those who did not , it is to be strongly recommended .
11 If central heating is to be newly installed , it should be borne in mind that people who have two different forms of heating are at an advantage during a power failure or power cut if there is a strike , also that gas- or oil-fired central heating depend upon an electric pump .
12 But if his ‘ true nature ’ is to be romantically on the rise , and to have ‘ ideas ’ , it is also his nature to occupy the middle ground .
13 If that 's how it is to be here the BBC might as well change its motto to ’ Anything for a quiet life ’ .
14 It is to be commercially available in 1993 .
15 where an item is to be commercially reproduced this will come within design right protection or registered design right protection , and this should be checked .
16 But , in feline terms , to be stared at is to be mildly threatened .
17 If such a procedure is to be successfully executed , it is likely to require careful planning and substantial time commitment .
18 But if a particular is to be successfully identified non-demonstratively — it is argued — there must be an individuating fact that relates it uniquely to the " present situation of reference " .
19 To walk into a pub function room as I have often done during the ten years I was collecting fieldnotes and see two or three hundred detectives in their ‘ uniform ’ of modern suit and tie , neat haircut , and the fashionable moustache of the times , is to be visibly reminded that there is a narrow symbolic range of bodily correctness within which all policemen can properly operate .
20 This establishes the soundness of the contention that , if human behaviour is to be effectively controlled , there must be a moral code , based on a viable religion , as well as statute-laws .
21 If , in view of the scale and complexity of governmental functions , the task is to be effectively discharged , the whole must , in some way , be rationalised and coordinated .
22 But wherever it comes from , the theory needs to be made explicit and public if its relevance to pedagogy is to be effectively assessed .
23 If an objective is to be effectively measured it needs to be very clearly defined .
24 However , if the dividend is to be effectively delivered , it can not leave us vulnerable to the many other surprises hiding around the corner .
25 Time alone will tell if the Commission is to be equally successful in the field of health care .
26 The second need is to be equally well prepared in six areas of management — the curriculum , the social organization of the school , the efficiency of assessment and the efficient feedback of assessment 's findings , staff dispositions and changes , financial priorities and the triple task of giving account to governors , parents and the local authority .
27 ‘ To be cultured ’ , it is imagined , is to be rather like a pearl , understated , refined and in the best possible taste .
28 Sociological research , like all scientific enquiry is fundamentally prompted by simple human curiosity , an indispensable quality if research is to be both successful and enjoyable .
29 This is to be both in pre-service and in-service provision .
30 There is to be both a new executive president and a senate ( an upper house of parliament ) .
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