Example sentences of "is [art] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It was a notable achievement by 24-year-old Stich , who has slipped from third to 15th in the world rankings since his 1991 Wimbledon triumph , while Krajicek , with the biggest serve in the world game , is the up and coming star , having just moved into the top 10 .
2 Some think the NME is the best because it has survived ; in truth it has survived because it is the best .
3 " I think brand X is the best because … " , is the theme of most tie-breakers .
4 Should the suggestion be to drop the mother tongue , local patriotism is immediately aroused and a whole quantity of scientific and technical evidence brought to bear to prove the point that a child 's intellectual development is the fastest when instruction is provided in its own language .
5 Catherine recognizes also that her happiness is more important than pleasing Eddie , but her choice is the hardest because at the beginning of the play Eddie wanted what was best , but by the end his wishes would have made her miserable .
6 The other point I would make is the further that the new settlement is from York itself , then the greater would be the dependency upon the motor car , this has been born out by the paper that has been submitted by York City Council in table one where one can see that within the urban area within the O R R the travel to work by car is forty six point four percent , travel to work in the Greater York area at the moment is sixty seven point five percent , further than that I do believe it would be even greater .
7 It is the quest to think of that peculiar essence of which its physical nature is the more or less full actualisation .
8 The most prominent , due west of the village of Lescun as you look up the valley , is the more or less pyramidal Pic d'Anie , of 8,200 feet , the first or most westerly of the major Pyrenean summits ; it is claimed by the Basques as their one high Pyrenee , the home of wild goats and the legendary source of storms .
9 Costs And Prices : Unit costs growth is the lowest since the survey began in June 1958. 23pc more firms continue to reduce home market prices than raise them .
10 But Mansell is no less than thirty-nine seconds up on him , which means he has to make up at least a second a lap and preferably more .
11 The reason is not technical difficulty or avalanches , but the fact that the normal route involves reaching a ridge at 7,000 metres which is no less than four kilometres away from the summit pyramid .
12 Undoubtedly , the proceeds of offshore oil taxes , by which method the Exchequer benefits from North Sea oil , covered the cost of unemployment benefits ; but our tax bill to the companies who extract the oil is no less than 90% of the sale price .
13 A first time garden is usually small and certainly the typical one I am imagining for this series is no more than 40ft x 20ft and surrounded on all sides by other houses .
14 The accurate detection range of these methods is no more than 0.05 per cent , so they are not suitable for the determination of the trace elements of a coin 's alloy .
15 The intention is to achieve categories within which the size of the shelf stock at any service point is no more than 100 titles .
16 Without such teachers , the best possible curriculum is no more than one lesson after another . ’
17 The most flattering effect is no more than one to two shades lighter than your natural colour . ’
18 If he carries on a taxable business , he can register voluntarily ( Merseyside Cablevision Ltd ( 1987 ) 3 BVC 596 ) and reclaim all input tax if the exempt input tax is no more than £7,200 a year .
19 For the believer the Kingdom as a heavenly reality is no more than one generation away .
20 Encounter was launched in London in 1953 , an Anglo-American monthly whose appeal was always international , and above all intellectually anti-communist ; and the London Magazine started in the following year , first under the editorship of John Lehmann , then of Alan Ross — a general magazine where literature is no more than one concern among others .
21 for approximate computational purposes it is normally assumed in the western world that a full working year is no more than 200 man-days .
22 There is no real connection ; the Coal Sack is no more than 500 light-years away , so that it is in the foreground .
23 Expectations of childhood and ways of treating babies changed rapidly in the 1950s , and perhaps the difference in perception between me and my sister is no more than four years ' difference in age , and a reflection of a change in expectation on the part of children themselves , learned from the altered practice of adults around .
24 From the Col there is , in summer , a rack railway that will lift you , if you are so minded , to the conspicuous because lonely summit of La Rhune , which is far and away the most prominent mountain at this Atlantic end of the Pyrenees , even though it is no more than 3,000 feet high .
25 In other cases the prisoner will know only that it is 20 years or more , although if he asks and if it is no more than 20 years he will , as I understand it , be given that information .
26 In a typical experiment , the chance of getting a less likely result is no more than 50% .
27 It has neither the power nor the resources to counter the pressure of the exceedingly well-organized farmers ' lobby , nor is the level of unionization in agriculture sufficiently high — it is no more than 40 per cent — to permit the contemplation of widespread militant activity .
28 An Interest Paying Current Account provides a range of benefits which bridge the traditional gap between a Personal Current Account and a Savings Account , including interest on credit balances and free banking as long as the account is no more than £100 overdrawn .
29 The first law of thermodynamics is no more than one expression of the law of conservation of energy .
30 From the fading elegance of tree-lined Wood Lane to the Wharf car park is no more than 500 yards for a purposeful crow , but for a motorist on the one-way system it is the better part of a mile .
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