Example sentences of "is [conj] if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
2 A new act 's problem is that if they approach an established manager , he or she will already be representing at least one major act .
3 The fear is that if they are published , Parliament will pass a law against smearing politicians .
4 The corollary is that if they eventually return to the UK , their foreign domicile will be retained until it can be ascertained that they intend to remain for an indefinite period .
5 But the main reason is that if they have a crash , it is far easier to treat a wound with no superficial hair and the risk of infection is lessened .
6 ‘ The way we see it is that if they want to pursue their ideas in conjunction with Gwynedd that is their right and choice .
7 The point to note about the above defences is that if they are given a wide construction by the courts ( and it is too soon to tell , as too few cases have been brought ) , then the risk of prosecution diminishes even further .
8 The problem with trial trenches is that if they are very small it is easy to miss the main features of a site , yet the larger the trenches used , the nearer the process becomes to full-scale excavation .
9 The problem facing writers like Schon who attempt to theorize about practice is that if they fail , practice remains particularistic or intuitive , and if they succeed , they simply generate more theory .
10 The obvious danger is that if they are unable to earn a living for themselves , that states of Central Europe will slump back into their earlier condition .
11 Most temporary workers were fired as well as hired , and the implication is that if they had not been used the organisations concerned would have had to practise some other form of " hire and fire " strategy .
12 The problem with alienistic attitudes is that if they are allowed to become the foundation of the system — the part of the system that everything else hinges upon — they are hard to shift .
13 The dilemma is that if they are enlarged the danger of stepping through them is increased .
14 Now the r the reason for us doing that is that if they do accept it , they are duty bound as a council to write to Prime Minister , Prime Minister , direct , saying they support the declaration of intent .
15 You see , the way the Copts work is that if they decide on something , like a campaign of trouble-making and agitation , the first thing they do is set up an organization .
16 Their case is that if they had been properly and correctly advised as they were entitled to be under the contract , they would not have proceeded to exchange or to completion .
17 Our main concern is that if they take away one of our acute services it will have a domino effect on the rest
18 Is n't exactly what 's happening , I mean what , what 's happening is that if they ri erm increase rents or whatever , the people who , who ca n't pay that they get together and they demonstrate
19 And the point is that if they then change
20 They will I a agree with that but the nice thing is that if they can get out there and get at 'em and get another goal that will build their confidence and their stamina and everything up and I thi really do think Alan that they have a chance .
21 Well I think the attitude is and maybe I 'm totally wrong the attitude is that if they 're outside , they 're not creating mess and havoc in the house .
22 What I say about it is that if they are put off they should phone the police .
23 An embarrassing historical fact for falsificationists is that if their methodology had been strictly adhered to by scientists then those theories generally regarded as being among the best examples of scientific theories would never have been developed because they would have been rejected in their infancy .
24 Hankin 's acceptance of the post is a measure of football 's odd , continuing ability to attract managers who know the score is that if their teams do n't score they go .
25 I think the argument is that if we call the nature of the experience ‘ R ’ , and if we concede the materialist claim that R is a brain state , then in knowing the brain state the blind scientist knows R , though not what R is like .
26 My impression is that if we remain quiet this feeling will shortly disappear . ’
27 The answer is that if we find the present state of affairs unsatisfactory , we have an obligation to try to come up with something better .
28 The first thing to remember is that if we speak in terms of ‘ I ’ and ‘ me ’ , rather than ‘ you ’ , we run less danger of erecting barriers on the other side .
29 The reason these worries pose such a problem in marriage relationships is that if we feel insignificant we assume we are unworthy of love and are afraid of the vulnerability that comes with complete openness and honesty .
30 The idea is that if we do n't collect any money for you , we do n't get paid .
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