Example sentences of "is [conj] [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This is a typical psychological reaction , i.e. one which is said to cause ‘ a reversible alteration in mood , behaviour , attitude , or thought processes of which the subject is or may become aware and which may be favourable or unfavourable ’ .
2 The company would also estimate the level and payment dates of revenue generated by the projects in which it is or may become involved .
3 the bankruptcy of some person who is or may become beneficially entitled to any such property or income ; or 2. an assignment of or a charge on any such property or income being made or given by some such person ; or 3. in the case of a marriage settlement , the death of both parties to the marriage and of all or any of the children of the marriage ; or 4. the death under the age of 25 or some lower age of some person who would be beneficially entitled to that property or income on attaining that age .
4 Neither may it appoint anyone who is or may have been a member , officer or employee of a local authority or voluntary organisation and who has in that capacity been directly concerned with arrangements for the child 's care , accommodation or welfare during the five years before the proceedings .
5 They expound their policy of minimal state interference to find the ‘ least detrimental available alternative ’ — one in which child placement and procedure for child placement ‘ maximises , in accord with the child 's sense of time , the child 's opportunity for being wanted and for maintaining on a continuous , unconditional and permanent basis , a relationship with at least one adult who is or will become the child 's psychological parent ’ ( Goldstein et al. , 1979 , p. 189 ) .
6 One thing I am sure of is that would agree that the job of Treasurer of the Bar Council would be quite impossible without the daily support and guidance of the Chief Executive and of his Finance Officer , , and his deputy , .
7 A sudden dedication to a foreign influence like Hegel or Derrida , brief but intense , is about the only thing there is that can cause the British to lose a sense of humour or a sense of proportion , and during the first London production of Waiting for Godot in 1955 I was reproached by strangers seated around me for laughing , though I still think it a funny play .
8 The third is that will have singularly little effect , because of industry 's narrow base and uncompetitiveness , revealing our dependence on the deus ex machina of North Sea oil .
9 If we examine what it is one participant is ready to see that other participants might read into a situation and what it is that will cause him to provide ritual remedies , followed by relief for these efforts , we find ourselves looking at the central moral traditions of Western culture .
10 ‘ I know that Ella and Dimity — everyone in fact — will want to know how he is and would like to call , but they do n't wish to intrude at a time like this .
11 The UN has ruled this out ; the argument is that , as Serb areas in Bosnia and Croatia can never be part of Serbia , Kosovo is and must remain part of Serbia .
12 The only real meter of sexuality and its changing ways is and must remain the actual extent of the increase in sexual relationships and their intensity , and the degree to which people as a whole are more tolerant of such relationships under varying circumstances .
13 In a more positive way , by raising public expectations , social services may , for better or for worse , reinforce the general belief that economic growth is and must remain the paramount objective of any government .
14 Energy conservation is and should remain the fifth fuel .
15 Indecency in public displays is and should remain a separate if lesser offence .
16 On March 22 the US Senate approved a non-binding Concurrent Resolution which acknowledged that " Jerusalem is and should remain the capital of Israel " .
17 Thus you will know what your liability is and can decide whether to proceed .
18 Make sure that , sure they 're good quality photographs , normally black and white , sharp , appropriate and so forth , and make sure that you 've got sufficient details associated with it , often a good way of doing it is by having a , something typed on a slip of paper which is just very slightly stuck to the , to the back so the editor can actually see what the thing is and can take it off if he needs to when the picture is actually being reproduced .
19 Engels argued that : ‘ Sex love and the relation of husband and wife is and can become the rule only among the oppressed classes , that is , at the present day , among the proletariat , no matter whether this relationship is officially sanctioned or not . ’
20 Secondly , and in contrast with this respect for the state 's monopoly of violence , because the provisionals seek to destroy the Northern dominance of protestant loyalists with a view to restoring ‘ the historic integrity of Ireland ’ , there is and will remain substantial support from among the Southern population for the violence the provisionals actually commit in the North .
21 The most fundamental of these is that need , and not ability to pay , is and will remain the basis on which are is offered to all by the NHS .
22 ‘ NEED , not ability to pay , is and will remain the basis on which care is offered to all by the National Health Service . ’
23 The answer is that managerial hierarchy is and will remain the only way to structure unified working systems with hundreds , thousands or tens of thousands of employees , for the very good reason that managerial hierarchy is the expression of two fundamental characteristics of real work .
24 Dottor Bartocci is and will remain in charge of the investigation into the kidnapping of Ruggiero Miletti . ’
25 For example , the moon is and will continue to be the earth 's satellite .
26 Ukrainian leaders had been angered by Russian President Yeltsin 's remarks on Jan. 9 during a visit to Ulyanovsk that " the Black Sea Fleet was , is and will continue to be Russian and no one will take it away from Russia , including Kravchuk " .
27 I agree with Mike that the panel has been and er he is and will continue to do , erm I am sure , erm and , and that think certainly it will apply to , ought to be extended so that it wo n't need staff , er to be need during er nineteen ninety four erm and we wanted to , to note the continuing high levels of unemployment er on this side we believe the County Council should have an economic purpose strategy anyway , this should be a very important part of it 's strategic there , the strategic planning role .
28 Derry was , is and will become a great European city . ’
29 ‘ The glass will move to the letters and spell out the words , and whoever the message is for will recognize it .
30 Every woman who read about what that place is for will understand .
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