Example sentences of "is [adv] [vb base] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What we envisage is somewhere open and staffed 24 hours a day , seven days a week , where anybody can come for help and advice .
2 all it will do is slowly soften and go in , I can assure you , you do n't need to inject it
3 We now need to consider margins where the movement is predominantly transform and plates meet along transform faults rather than at subduction zones or along collision boundaries .
4 It is optimistically forecast that women will become freer from household burdens as a result of these technological innovations .
5 For when it comes it is more violent , more annihilating , more interminable than I can remember it , this feeling in the pit of the stomach , this physical pain and physical desire to retch , to want to get rid of something , of everything , to want to make all that is inside emerge and disappear , drain away , mingle with the rest of the detritus of the world , but it is not only physical , a physical sensation , he wrote , it is physical but it is also something else , not moral , not psychological , not spiritual , but something else , something other than the purely physical .
6 The College is thus issue and problem-oriented .
7 It is not know whether the Canadian forecast was available to the crew before departure from Keflavik although it had been issued prior to that time .
8 The plate has the symbol of the city , a stylized version of the Visconti family 's snake/saracen symbol , together with the building 's name , its age ( either as a date for construction or as a century if the true date is not know or irrelevant ) , and the name of the architect if known .
9 It is not fear that impedes us , but how we handle our fears .
10 All the same , solitary bucks — if they can find no existing holes to make use of — will sometimes scratch out short tunnels for shelter , although it is not work that they tackle at all seriously .
11 In Miller , an injury to the state of a person 's mind was enough ( cf. Dawson ( 1985 ) 81 Cr App R 170 on manslaughter : shock is not harm unless physical injury is caused ) .
12 It is not anger that causes violence , but the attempt to block it !
13 Then again , if it is not love that puts a bit of sparkle in your life , it will be some other form of much sought after success or happiness .
14 It is not love when the concern is the fact that I am being inconvenienced , but it is when the concern is for the damage that is being done to my partner and our relationship .
15 It is not love if it is locked up in the vaults of our dreams for a better world and a happier life .
16 That is not say that those whom it is hoped to benefit are in any sense undemanding or unsophisticated .
17 It is not wonder that Mr Chatrier seems ready to throw up his hands in despair .
18 I do realise that no-one ( that I have come across yet ) is deliberately cruel to their fish , but ignorance is not excuse when there is plenty of help and information readily available .
19 ‘ It is not meet that every nice offence should bear its comment ’ , DC 57 .
20 I would think your , your best bet Robert is just try and keep your weight steady .
21 Well what we 'd like to do now is just try and address each of those different Four G Ls in the architecture .
22 I 've got a continuation shot , well what I shall do is just try and line them up for a rush down to , which is not bad .
23 Yeah , I would like to do is just mention that it 's so surprising really that er the resources used are out of all proportion to what we used to er do on it , on the other central panel .
24 this is a structural change , what you could do or the easiest thing would be to do was just to incorporate a dummy variable , right , if you incorporated a dummy variable to a erm and to explain the and to take out the effect of structural change , right , er in that dummy inclusive model , right , all the diagnostic test statistics were okay , right , you would use , you would , therefore , use that , that particular model what we might do is just see if that is the case erm so if you come out of er diagnostics , work towards the data processing environment and generate a dummy variable right , so if you go into the erm data processing environment if it 's in the er sort of process plot option what we 'll do create a dummy variable call it D and let D pull zero press the return key and then edit D oh and if you just set erm observations for
25 The rest is just froth if we fail in that . ’
26 Erm I think what we have to do in particular as , as , as full time officers is , is probably try and er and erm chase things up although they they 're within the realms of the respo the respective LEC 's but to try and make sure that they do get some clearer , if not confirmed , insight into re in relation to the contribution aspect .
27 So for grassland farmers , the best time is probably February–March when the ground is moist but can still be run on .
28 → I 'm afraid to say that the pickup is probably duff and will need attention by your local guitar repairer , or a pickup rewinding specialist .
29 It is probably time that this was reconsidered ; in secondary schools it has led to absurdities like the daily dose , the thirty-five minute lesson , and the conviction that , though all subjects are theoretically equal ( hence the standard four period per week allocation ) some ( English and maths ) are more equal than others , and need a longer allocation .
30 The huge variety of shapes is partly fashion and partly an attempt to avoid a phenomenon known as spin out .
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