Example sentences of "is [adv] [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 The degree of reciprocity in the relationship is rarely thought an important issue to research .
2 France was to be a turning point in what is rightly called a ‘ miracle year ’ .
3 Now what you 're going to receive this afternoon , is what is pretentiously called a time management system .
4 The term attenuation may describe any reduction in magnitude of an electrical signal but an electrical network is only called an attenuator if it reduces the magnitude of a signal without changing its time dependence .
5 So long as he remembers that , when mounting a picket in his opponents ' penalty area , he is only allowed a maximum of six operatives on the line , he should be able to enjoy free and frank access to the other side 's position .
6 The type of household lived in is better considered a consequence of the stage they have reached in their life course than of their age per se ( Dale 1987 ) .
7 The result is a wild , and sometimes very scary , portrait of Manson , his teachings and his bad craziness ; a look from behind those piercing cold eyes as the listener to Moran 's opera is suddenly given an expressway journey to the back of Charlie 's skull .
8 Prepare the cross-spar to the length indicated ( about 60mm longer than the spine ) and you will soon see why it is generally called a ‘ spreader ’ , as you stick first one end down with more strong tape , then have to curve it , in order to fit it within the kite shape at the other end and onto the final corner .
9 What is generally called a ‘ kinship system ’ comprises two quite different orders of reality … .
10 Blackwell 's effective period as governor lasted only a year , from the end of 1688 to New Year 1690 , and is generally reckoned a failure .
11 Music is generally accorded a low priority and is underfunded , and standards of performance are unsatisfactory in many places .
12 The extent and variety of these activities are astonishing , but while almost everyone is aware of them , and although the majority of us fiddle in one way or another , fiddling is generally considered a trivial activity without serious implications .
13 Although this is generally considered a thing of the past , there has been a revival in the popularity of the solidly built , veneered Thirties suite with its square lines .
14 Traditionally , the people 's singing has been delegated to a choir which is generally paid a nominal fee .
15 The magnet array is thus called a wiggler or an undulator .
16 Collectivism is thus given a very positive image when linked to constitutional guarantees of individual rights .
17 The audience is thus given a cue as to what is likely to happen , and dramatic tension is created by the characters ' knowing as much as they do , but carrying on regardless .
18 The goddess Hathor is thus given an uncharacteristic fierce role , but one which she fulfilled with great zeal .
19 Empirical analysis is thus given an alternative explanatory methodology .
20 Each area is scored out of 10 and the company is thus given an overall rating out of 200 .
21 It seems a pity that the rationale of a percentage rating system is not extended a little further by incorporating a lieux dits scale classifying named sites within each village .
22 Years later the feminists were inspired by her most famous statement , ‘ One is not born a woman , one becomes one ’ , to conclude that the inferior status of ‘ the second sex ’ was not a natural phenomenon but a man-made one .
23 The rottenness of this short-sighted attitude , which is shown by both sides of industry , has begun to change , and is being replaced by a growing realization that a great trading nation is not owed a living by the rest of the world ; rather , it has to earn it .
24 Mr. Stevenson is not gone a week and you all go to pieces !
25 The woman is not given a name herself .
26 Such a person is not given a right of appeal to the Appeal Tribunal .
27 Even when an oxytocic agent is not given a small proportion of patients show an increase in plasma oxytocin concentration during the late second or early third stage of labour .
28 Stitches may be necessary to close a gaping cut , and if this is not done a permanent scar may result .
29 If this is not done a disillusioned employee may well leave after a short time and you will have to repeat the expensive and disruptive process of interviewing all over again .
30 Old Trafford is not called a theatre of dreams for nothing .
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