Example sentences of "is [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The mild dissonance used is either a minor 7th or a major 9th : Note that the added part is mostly in contrary motion with the top part ( this usually gives a more powerful bass ) , and that all the notes used are different .
2 Again , there is no note repetition and the movement is mostly in contrary motion with the treble .
3 The large living-cum-dining room is mostly in earthy natural shades — they 're easy on the eye and a perfect setting for the colourful rug and furniture which the Coles bought to remind them of their travels
4 Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that the level of investment is most of all decided by the real rate of interest ?
5 In which areas is most of this mixed sheep and cattle rearing ?
6 The industrial tribunals represent the tribunals whose practice and procedure is most like that of the courts .
7 The job of a caller is rather like that of a priest who intones , line by line , the words of a prayer and to whom the congregation respond , at each stage , using the appropriate replies .
8 The relationship is rather like that of pornography to sexual aggression , cathartic or stimulant according to one 's prejudices .
9 The task the reader is set is rather like that of completing a jigsaw puzzle , where we are given a few pieces at a time , and have to keep guessing what the rest of the picture will be like .
10 Olten is rather like that .
11 The difference between ROM and RAM is rather like that between a printed book , which can only be read , and a personal notepad written in erasable ink , and which can be used over and over again .
12 While the lady who doubtlessly trusted him most , his wife , said sadly , ‘ I think his fate is rather like Humpty Dumpty 's , quite as tragic and quite as impossible to put right ’ .
13 THIS ANTHOLOGY of soccer writing — or , in some cases , writing which incorporates soccer — is rather like those games in which one side is a Rest of the World XI or a Football League XI .
14 One might say that the ‘ candid camera ’ technique used for some television programmes , where people have tricks played on them for the benefit of the viewers , is rather in this mode of observation , though it is to be hoped that social researchers would not encourage people to make fools of themselves in the way television producers do .
15 In our cynical era , we might not be so easily bamboozled by ‘ the prophet 's ’ assertion that God , who is presumably on permanent nightshift , speaks to him in his sleep and has commanded the supply of seven frails .
16 Certainly the Rhaetian I have seen in southern Europe , for example on the south side of the Pyrenees and along the shores of Lake Iseo in northern Italy , is incredibly like that of Britain , even in the way the fossils are preserved .
17 It is also possible at this early stage for workers to transfer to other firms without falling too far down the promotion ladder although such mobility is rarely between large firms .
18 Sadly , it is rarely on public display .
19 However , serious investigative journalism often provides a challenge to the official version of reality and the search for a major sex criminal is rarely like that .
20 Amities. ’ , a joyful enough shout , but it is downhill after that .
21 The study tour , based in London , is for an invited group of conservators , craftsmen , planners and architects working in Croatia to assess the expertise on offer in the U.K. The workshop in York is additionally for other interested people and groups involved in conservation .
22 The traditional view is that the ideal time is somewhere between one and two years before you are due to retire .
23 COUNSEL : Then the range is somewhere between 20000 and 500 kilonewtons ?
24 The ‘ doubling time ’ , defined as the taken for the number of theses per year to double , is somewhere between 12 and 15 years , so that within the 24 years covered by the present study , the population has only doubled once .
25 The world production of iron and steel is somewhere round 450 million tons , that of all other metals is negligible by comparison .
26 Er we discussed er economic development with the Government , erm and whether we like it or not erm there has happened to grow up in er I think it 's in West Hounslow , it is somewhere like that ? ,
27 International trade is predominantly between industrialised countries .
28 The former is predominantly of eastern origin , with the most conspicuous affinities visible between mosaics from Colchester ( Berryfield ) , Verulamium XXVII ( pI .
29 Though French speaking , the population is a melange of different cultures , and is predominantly of Indian origin — delicious , spicy curries are high on the menu with good restaurants offering authentic French and Chinese dishes .
30 However , the powers of the authorities are not very extensive , for although they have the right to buy land within the parks they largely lack the means to do so , and ownership , therefore , is predominantly in private hands .
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