Example sentences of "is [adv] [adj] to have " in BNC.

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1 It is most annoying to have unintelligible chattering somewhere behind you whilst watching the fish or beating the eggs .
2 It is most convenient to have a relatively small room near the byre for mixing and storing feeds in the short term .
3 The Sports Council will await Universiade GB 's concurrence with the deal before nominating their man , but it ought to be one of their members with business acumen — which means either David Simon of BP , who is most unlikely to have the time , Raymond Michel , formerly with a distillery , or Norman Jacobs , a partner in one of Britain 's largest firms of solicitors .
4 Tunbridge Wells finished runner-up to Michael Stoute 's colt at Newbury , but is most unlikely to have progressed enough to reverse the form even on 12lb better terms .
5 The amateur is most unlikely to have , or want to be bothered with , all the nuances of hereditary dominance and recession — in any case , good old-fashioned luck of the draw is the biggest single factor .
6 Of course , the whole odd train of events is most unlikely to have happened in real life .
7 Britain and America are worried enough to have produced enough serum to immunise their troops against anthrax , one of the biological agents he is most likely to have .
8 Therefore the aircraft is most likely to have been hit by heavy machine-gun fire , which , unless it hit a vital spot such as fuel tanks or engines , would not cause the immediate destruction of the aircraft , but could kill or disable the pilot .
9 This hematite is most likely to have been formed during synkinematic circulation of moderate temperature ( 600°C ) magmatic fluids .
10 The individual that produces the most clear-cut signal is most likely to have the most offspring .
11 In summary , one can say beyond reasonable doubt that if one were asked to choose which of Slade 's apprentices is most likely to have made the harpsichord on which Handel rests his elbow , the evidence weighs very heavily in favour of William Smith .
12 Outside the wall , except on the north side , where the river came to its foot , there appears to have been only a single ditch , some 6.5 m ( 21 ft ) wide and 2.5 m ( 8 ft ) deep , which had been truncated by the medieval ditch ; it is most likely to have been contemporary with the early rampart .
13 Consequently , it is rather amusing to have Gergiev tell you that the only thing he misses about the bad old days before perestroika is the order .
14 To establish the merit of project proposals without overlooking any significant factor , it is highly desirable to have a selection system that is applied to all cases .
15 To establish the merit of project proposals without overlooking any significant factor , it is highly desirable to have a selection system that is applied to all cases .
16 For those aged 0–24 there is an excess of malignant disease that is highly unlikely to have arisen by chance ( table VII ) .
17 The answer we have arrived at is that complicated things have some quality , specifiable in advance , that is highly unlikely to have been acquired by random chance alone .
18 However , while every effort will be made to found arguments on intuitively clear cases of semantic deviance , it is only prudent to have some notion of what is involved in distinguishing this from syntactic deviance .
19 The defendant is only entitled to have your client examined by their medical expert .
20 This is why it is so important to have soul-friends , who sometimes know us better than we can ever know ourselves .
21 On the other hand , it is extremely useful to have universities , polys and colleges compared on an equal basis , particularly as in these days of cutbacks many , who in earlier years could have relied on a university place , may have to hedge their bets by applying to polys too .
22 It is extremely pleasant to have your own car , and an excellent way of finding your own mile of empty beach .
23 If a young woman is feeling fit and healthy , it is very tempting to skip the effort of going to the clinic , having to make an appointment long in advance and then waiting in long queues but it is extremely important to have regular checkups for the sake of both your health and that of your baby .
24 ‘ He is extremely lucky to have survived and that 's due to the expert resuscitation he got . ’
25 Burleigh is terribly lucky to have her . ’
26 In the light of this Constantius is perhaps unlikely to have been in a position to destroy Wallia completely in 416 : Stilicho , who had been in a position at least as strong , had failed to destroy Alaric .
27 Lamb is preferable to beef and pork , as it is less likely to have been intensively reared , and game is preferable to all domestically produced meat , as it has lived under natural conditions .
28 In general , the dirtier the receiving watercourse the less likely a discharge is to be defined as polluting , since the pollutant is less likely to have any measurable impact on the stream , less likely to be visible in already dirty water , and less likely to produce any noticeable ill-effects upon already scarce fish , plant , or animal life .
29 It is obviously impractical to have bulky salivary glands in the slender retractile proboscis and they lie at its inner end , anterior of the cerebral commissure .
30 However , it is obviously essential to have some way of comparing the cost and reward of borrowing and lending in this way with other methods which pay interest .
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