Example sentences of "is [art] more than " in BNC.

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1 Philistinism is rife , and it is high time for some loud restatement of the old conservationist maxim that ownership is no more than a temporary rental on the nation 's heritage .
2 A cordon is no more than a single stem which fruits all the way along .
3 But someone committed to a thorough-going naturalism is no more prepared to allow to the mind mysterious properties than he is prepared to allow them to matter : for the thorough-going naturalist , after all , mind is no more than a manifestation of matter .
4 A natural response to this state of affairs would be to say that theory cut off from the writing of literature is no more than a sterile academicism .
5 ‘ Labour 's supposed conversion to multilateralism is no more than a confidence trick to try to make Labour electable .
6 If it is true that some of them are not quite what they were — and even this grasped-at straw is no more than speculation — we may rest assured that the successor generation brought on tour to breathe down their necks will be as good if not better .
7 Perhaps what is at work here is a fear of the other as same not unlike the fascinated fear of the primitive in the notion of ‘ going native ’ : a metamorphosis into the radically other which is no more than an all too easily imagined regression into one 's own ‘ primitive ’ past .
8 Until then the Polo is no more than a worthy evolution of a familiar species and merely addresses the most urgent problems that nearly 10 years of standing still have created .
9 In 1987 , soul is no more than a packed vehicle beating a hasty retreat from what are perceived as the excesses of white modernism .
10 The theory ( and it is no more than a theory ) goes something like this .
11 Hanson , say its detractors , is no more than an artful asset-stripper .
12 The final chapter is no more than a scrappy addition with rather a lot of photographs of by now familiar faces from November 1989 .
13 Mr Ishihara is no more than an entertaining distraction in Japanese politics : a member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party , but one with no power base and whose views count for little .
14 However gifted , a theatre director is no more than a metteur en scène .
15 According to this view the grammatical difference between nouns and adjectives marks no real difference between things and their properties : a material thing , a substance , is no more than ‘ a bundle ’ of properties .
16 Vienna Dear Fräulein , I hope and believe the sad condition you describe is no more than a temporary fantasy .
17 It is no more than a consistent point of view , which has the advantage that , if we accept it , we can stop arguing about whether feelings are causes of actions , and can get on with finding out how our brains work , without fearing that an answer to the question would make free will an illusion .
18 Nevertheless , that Empire which , as Dryden said , ‘ is no more than power in trust ’ , provoked a world war .
19 But such ‘ telling-all ’ is no more than a form of exhibitionism .
20 Sloane Square , one of Time Zones 's three shorts , shot on Super 8 , and presumably chez Jarman , is no more than an album of his chums .
21 The so-called science of narratology tells us that all we ever do is tell stories about ourselves whose truth is no more than their plausibility and consistency with each other .
22 The music by Dominic Muldowney is no more than pleasant , but it effectively fulfils its main purpose , which is to keep at bay recollections of Lerner and Loewe .
23 The scale of Fujimori 's problem was highlighted as troops moved to take control of Lima 's Castro Castro prison , where the high-security rating is no more than a wistful reminder of an architect 's intentions .
24 Subject to these provisos , the proposal is no more than a logical development of the original WEA practice of asking the University to provide teaching facilities through Joint Committee procedure .
25 The GP in this social world — far from being an expert — is no more than a layperson , with the same prejudices as others .
26 But they do not necessarily conclude that a thing is no more than the sum of its attributes .
27 It is therefore important to establish the reasons why it is no more than a secondary justification dependent on the availability , at least to a certain degree , of another justification .
28 All that has been achieved , he or she now claims , is no more than a revelation of some primordial ordering of humanity .
29 Occasionally there is no more than an indication of the family 's ancestry : of migration from Ireland , or of a strain of distinction .
30 Without religion , man is no more than a form of brute beast .
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