Example sentences of "is [art] [noun sg] which " in BNC.

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1 In the normal case the interfering public authority is the court which entertains the suit for defamation .
2 It is the law which prevails over every other form of law , and it is not for the court to say that a parliamentary enactment , the highest law in this country , is illegal .
3 Wishing My Lords to understand what exactly is the law which we now seek to amend , there does n't seem to me to be all that er elaborate a precaution .
4 ‘ What remains is the problem which I have been concerned with over the past year , which is to try to regenerate enough political pressure within the international community to oblige Iran to reverse its current policy .
5 That is the problem which faces us all .
6 Members of Parliament who represent those areas know that that is the problem which we face .
7 The indictment is the document which charges the defendant with the offence .
8 It is the document which can be viewed by our existing and prospective clients to enable them to gain an insight into our quality system .
9 And it is the document which the quality auditors will initially use to check that the quality system exists , is operating and is fit for the purpose .
10 This is the document which will be going for audit , and er that 's on the agenda a little bit later , erm , on the last financial year .
11 Will historians be able to reconstruct administrative activity if all that is preserved is the document which initiates that activity and the final formal reply ?
12 This is the document which spells out proposals for the future shape of Gloucestershire .
13 It is the occasion which determines what figurations of language are appropriate to it , and no one poetic occasion duplicates any other .
14 This is the faith which underlies the bleakest expressions of the meditator 's sense of evil .
15 One of the reasons why Colnaghi 's wanted a presence in Paris and welcomed the opportunity to be at the Hotel Bristol is the attraction which Paris holds to the Japanese ; furthermore , a high occupancy rate at the Hotel Bristol is Japanese and I look forward to being able to meet this clientele .
16 Yet this is the sector which is supposed to invigorate the rest .
17 But if the kernel of an individual , the higher Self , is the Ātman which is at one with Truth or God , then to inflict deliberate violence on another is to injure God or undermine Truth , and to cause suffering to another is to violate one 's higher Self or Ātman .
18 Since then , he has written , among other things , The Mimic Men : while relatively unsuccessful , this is the novel which most resembles Guerrillas , and it undoubtedly ‘ diminishes ’ the politics of emergent countries by raising doubts about the character of their independence and the motives of their leaders .
19 First , a key factor in the move towards a whole-school approach is the evidence which highlights the necessity for the child with special educational needs to be provided with access to a broader curriculum ( Warnock 1978 , Widlake 1984 , HMI 1984 ) .
20 The second factor is the evidence which suggests that knowledge and skills acquired in the withdrawal approach do not necessarily transfer , and curriculum content is often divorced from the ordinary curriculum .
21 Important , too , although not always easy to evaluate , is the evidence which we may call literary , not merely the chronicles , but rather the tracts , pamphlets , newsletters and even poetry through which people expressed their ideas and views , as well as their emotions , on contemporary issues and problems , which might be the need for government to be better managed , hope of peace , or the criteria according to which society 's military leaders should be chosen .
22 The ability to write clearly and well is a tool of the trade and a very necessary one , but it is the idea which you have that will make your advertising stand out from the rest .
23 Now group selection is , is the idea which grew up after Darwin and remained very common until the nineteen sixties and seventies , that natural selection could act on entire groups or species .
24 Is the support which is given to the son-in-law ‘ really ’ being given to the daughter by proxy ?
25 The reform of our outdated and undemocratic voting system in particular is the change which will make other reforms possible and is the key to a successful future .
26 The evidence of this is the change which takes place within our own hearts .
27 This is the church which has been the centre of opposition in East Berlin for the past few weeks .
28 " This is the century which sees the erosion of half-free forms of labour , the decline of living-in , the final extinction of labour services and the advance of free , mobile , wage labour . "
29 Of the additional safeguards now to be considered the primary one , both to investors and creditors , is the publicity which , to a greater or lesser extent , attends the functioning of the company .
30 Its first concern is the phenomenon which , years earlier , had so intrigued Hobbes , and which engendered his interest in motion : the phenomenon of sense .
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