Example sentences of "is [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The same side , left or right , as the station is during your interception .
2 Without doubt , her reply shows just how unconcerned she is about her return to top-level racing and much of the credit for that must go to Pedrosa .
3 The star , whose latest single Will You Marry Me ? is about her wedding to Estevez and bubbling just outside the Top 40 , spent years fighting a weight problem .
4 The dispute is about its importance ( Bruce and Lee 1982 ) .
5 Mark is about my age and also unmarried . ’
6 ‘ But this is about my son Linton , not me .
7 So it is just as important to know what it is about your organisation that customers value so that you can promote it fully .
8 ‘ It is about your daughter , Mr Abberley . ’
9 Bomber 's Moon is about his father who died on a wartime bombing mission before he was born .
10 She is about his age .
11 Someone who can understand and collate medical notes is worth their weight in gold .
12 What we 're talking about here is a £50 package which is worth its money .
13 So how to judge if your company 's headquarters is worth its weight ?
14 Local knowledge is worth its weight in gold ; or silver sea-trout .
15 The list is endless and I would go as far as to say virtually every ‘ Gold Seal ’ is worth its weight in gold .
16 It really is sickening to have an aeroplane , which is worth its weight in gold out here , broken through damned bad handling . ’
17 This is where experienced help is worth its weight in gold , since the correct set-up can only be established by flying the model and adjusting the linkages and controls to give correct gyro action and then setting the tail up to suit the particular flyer .
18 The result of browsing off hedges and other plants , not just grass , goat manure normally has the most balanced NPK content of any , and is worth its weight in gold .
19 Trisha McCulloch , mother of Michael ( six weeks ) , says , ‘ A roomy , padded bag with little pockets either side and a flap over the top which becomes a mat is worth its weight in gold .
20 Joan for what it 's worth erm and this is just something you might want to think about a mobile is worth its weight in gold .
21 To the fishkeeper a good retailer is worth his weight in gold .
22 The man from Dunkeld will come today or tomorrow — if he thinks it is worth his trouble . ’
23 It is worth your while to obtain detailed quotations at the outset and to insist upon a further quotation for any work which may be added to the schedule as you go along .
24 A malinger round the monument is worth your while , if only for the extraordinary view down Loch Shiel and to reassure yourself that you will soon be leaving behind all the people milling idly around their coaches , to whom 1745 means quarter to six .
25 Everyone looks at each other with the blank expression reserved especially for when someone who is off their trolley comes into the near vicinity .
26 Running into him in the paddock early on Sunday morning , I sense all is not well with him ; he is nervous , he bites his nails , he runs his hands through his thick hair , he keeps scampering through the paddock to the hideous toilets , he is off his feed .
27 Ahead I can see that Odd-Knut has stopped and is off his sledge .
28 Children need to understand and learn where the limit is for their behaviour .
29 It is for their benefit in the long term .
30 Make them do what we know is for their benefit as well as our own , and all difficulties in China are at an end . ’
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