Example sentences of "is [verb] it [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 If anyone is to go it should be Whyte and Fairclough , the two defenders who contributed so much to Leeds downfall in 1992–3 .
2 and that is also why , going back to a point earlier on , why I think erm counselling and alternative medicine , and so on , is marginalized it would be such a rock to the social order to actually acknowledge that people are in distress because it 's the social order that 's causing that distress .
3 As the database is developed it will be mounted at Newcastle , Glasgow and Greenwich to assist the shipbuilding research and statistical analysis .
4 The new actor is generally operating in top gear and if this momentum is stopped it can be very damaging to the morale and can result in an actor 's technical skills going rusty — something to be avoided at all costs .
5 The length of the transition curve depends upon the total change of radius , the velocity of the engine and the permitted superelevation , bearing in mind that the cant must not be so great that if an engine is halted it will topple over .
6 Before any recording is undertaken it will be necessary to obtain the co-operation of the child 's parents and teachers .
7 When a form is received it should be signed and dated in the Received by and Date spaces on the form provided .
8 If this is received it will become the subject of an investigation . ’
9 If it is crushed it will be a severe setback not just for the people of Segundo Montes but for other refugee communities seeking repatriation as well .
10 Yes my Lord I I I 'm not going to invite your Lordship t to take a great deal of time reading reports that state in detail erm but I think the witness statements and I think probably the documentation that might help your Lordship at this stage er to see something of the and to ensure that where evidence is given it can proceed fairly fairly quickly .
11 If this help is given it will be for three months in the first instance and the position will be reviewed from time to time after that .
12 As work on the time series package is completed it will be possible to start work on programs for use with cross-sectional data where a vital requirement is for flexible facilities for managing data and preparing it for analysis .
13 Linfield 's search extends throughout the British Isles and the League of Ireland but until the championship is completed it will be impossible for them to open negotiations with certain players .
14 And when the deal is completed it will send Souness 's spending on players in seven years as a manager through the £30m mark to an incredible £31.5m .
15 When it is completed it will boast an indoor hall large enough to take two full-size tennis courts , social rooms , a bar and a synthetic outdoor playing pitch .
16 When the final group of houses is occupied it will have a total population in the region of ten thousand .
17 When the history of that unhappy place is considered it may well be asked , ‘ What kind of a ‘ god ’ is it that has failed so abysmally to make good the promise ? ’ .
18 If this idea is to work it will be necessary to ensure that these eigenvalues are all real numbers .
19 But as we have seen , this is at the very heart of the problem of the survival of free institutions , because if this policy is pursued it would be impossible to stop the drift to totalitarianism .
20 The proposal sounds reasonable enough , but it will encourage felling : as soon as a living tree is felled it will clearly be dead .
21 Equally clearly once the doorway is installed it must have precise dimensions .
22 It is appalling it should be the scene for this attack , ’ he said .
23 there is some change going on in the rural economy and perhaps he does want to interpret it as er a revolution which the communists can actually get involved in so he 's writing his paper and saying look , this is happening it may not be a rel revolution , but it
24 Being robbed is losing the confident skin you have grown naturally ; it is to know it can happen to you and if it has happened once …
25 Once this is resolved it might become a major source of LDC finance in the future .
26 If what I will call the hypothetical cost test is adopted it will come very close to a market value test .
27 Now , the constitution as it " really " is , as it is said to be , and as it is said it should be , only really line up in times of political ( and therefore constitutional ) stability when there is agreement on clear and simple constitutional fundamentals .
28 There has been a failure to see constitutional theory and political practice as in dynamic interaction each with the other ; there has been a failure to recognise that interpretations of the constitution are always relative to time , place , and our position as observers ; and so there has been the simple view that the constitutional set-up as it is , as it is said to be , and as it is said it should be , have all been as of one .
29 ( As a comparison , if Hinckley Point C nuclear power station is built it will have a generating capacity of 1.2GW . )
30 ‘ The ultimate aim is to raise £40,000 and when the shed is built it will be able to hold 4 locos which we hope to eventually extend to accommodate 6 diesels .
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