Example sentences of "is [verb] to a " in BNC.

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1 then all the data from the TREE command , which normally goes straight to the screen , is redirected to a file called PENGUIN .
2 The best advice is to go to a specialist consumer credit/hire purchase lawyer for information on this very important matter .
3 Documents we have obtained show that one contract for the extension to the London Underground Jubilee Line is to go to a German firm , even though a British company is desperate for the work .
4 Of course his first move is to go to a pub .
5 A STOCKTON woman 's bid to turn an empty shop into a taxi office is to go to a public appeal .
6 One such sceptic , a certain Montgomery , is likened to a prickly housemaid .
7 In the New Testament , God is likened to a father , a shepherd and the owner of a vineyard ( among other images , including some found in the Old Testament ) .
8 The setpoint mechanism is likened to a thermostat .
9 Racism is likened to a poison which children take in , if not from their mother 's breast , then at least from its mechanical substitutes .
10 In many statements of this sort racism is likened to a contagious disease , which people catch off each other , or a cancer in the body politic , something which can only be stopped by either eliminating its carriers , or protecting others , especially children , from contact with its ‘ breeding grounds ’ .
11 For example , he is likened to a thief , but he actually wants to become a king , and speaks as if he were a Prince .
12 It is likened to a heaven full of stars , yet better than such because his wounds are efficacious by day as well as by night , and not only can not be obscured by clouds but positively drive away clouds of sin ; a net full of holes in which the meditator prays to be drawn to the bank of death ; a dovecote full of holes of refuge and a honeycomb full of cells of sweet honey ; a book written in red ink — matter for the meditator 's attention at " matyns , pryme , houris , euesong & complin " ; a meadow full of healing and delightful flowers and herbs ( 96 – 7 ) .
13 If God is likened to a king , as in Islam especially , it indicates that God is in control , that we can trust God , and so forth .
14 Compensation is calculated to a complex formula which includes a basic award related to gross earnings and length of service and a compensatory award which seeks to meet the employee 's actual and future losses arising as a consequence of the dismissal .
15 The slowness of engineering to join the scheme , for example , is explained to a considerable extent by fears of the attitudes of the professional societies ( it is hoped that , in time , field combinations such as computer studies and microelectronic systems will succeed in breaching this important wall ) .
16 When property is assigned to a trustee for dividing among the creditors as part of the composition , this is called a deed of arrangement .
17 The software can automatically distinguish between various score types — everything from solo or piano music to conductors ' orchestral sheets with up to 16 staves per line — each part is assigned to a separate MIDI channel .
18 When a problem is assigned to a Problem Solver , a message will be left in his ‘ reader file ’ .
19 Well before arrival , each competitor is assigned to a host family , and to be a host family is a tremendous prestige .
20 Each student entering the University is assigned to a Director of Studies who is a member of the teaching staff with special responsibility for providing information and guidance on choice of courses , and to help with academic or other problems as they arise .
21 Whenever a module is created in LIFESPAN it is assigned to a module manager , who remains responsible for it as long as it exists ( or until another user is assigned to the module ) .
22 But suppose the car is faulty and that fault is traced to a computer program installed in the electronic ignition system .
23 The sentence is commuted to a life within prison walls when she volunteers to hang those due to swing beside her .
24 A packed run of the ‘ The Wind in the Willows ’ at the National Theatre is drawing to a close , but it is clear that Alan Bennett has launched a new Christmas tradition in London .
25 The scene of life , Bransby ’ , continued he , ‘ is drawing to a close : although my career has been a most happy one , I feel much less regret than I expected in leaving it , for I have full confidence in the mercy of God . ’
26 It is this era which is drawing to a close and , with it , the peculiar mixture of promise and peril which long characterised Soviet life .
27 As we reported in The Art Newspaper for December 1991 ( No.13 , pp.6–7 ) the boom in museum building that Germany had enjoyed in the Eighties is drawing to a close under the financial pressure of reunification .
28 In 1838 Captain ( later vice-admiral ) John Washington [ q.v. ] , secretary of the Royal Geographical Society , remarked upon these West African surveys : ‘ this tedious undertaking is drawing to a close , and will then be of equal utility to the fair traders , and to the anti-slavery cruisers .
29 There is also the misconception that the speed with which a room is heated to a set temperature increases by turning up a room or radiator thermostat .
30 The mill , which consists of a single long block , is joined to a gabled mill house , both of which are in good condition .
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