Example sentences of "is [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The book , written by Blessed , who is an actor or , as he puts it , ‘ sexy and a star ’ , is about how the actor ( but not the yak ) reached 25,400ft on the North Ridge of Everest while making the film entitled Galahad of Everest .
2 The first is about how the discipline is presented to students , both explicitly and implicitly .
3 Since any argument that is not purely academic is about how the future is to happen then there is much room for subjectivity , both about how we think the future will happen and about how we should like it to happen .
4 The Prime Minister decided to unveil Manchester 's ‘ unique ’ £1.5 billion blue-print for the Games at his Downing Street home to emphasise how important he believes the bid is for both the city and the nation .
5 The effect of this , quite naturally , is for even the most conscientious of organisations not to bring out modifications or amendments and to keep their fingers crossed in the hope that their suspicions of a failure or shortcoming will prove to be unsubstantiated .
6 ‘ I 'm sure you know , Inspector , how impossible it is for even the most committed clergy to avoid incurring — not to put too fine a point on it — hatred .
7 The Earth is just the right distance from a star , the Sun , which is of just the right kind of size .
8 This last issue is of just the sort that , in a ‘ real ’ analysis , should be asked in the first phase of the study .
9 Where the property of A is mixed with that of B which is of substantially the same nature and quality and they can not practicably be separated ( grain in a bin , oil in a tank ) the mixture is owned in common in proportion to the quantity contributed by each and the law is the same whether the mixing is wrongful or by consent .
10 The old woman reflects " " " Now , is like when the fire flew away and ate up all the trees ' " " ( p. 93 ) .
11 the problem is with how the is conducted who gets the first bite ?
12 First , Athens is surrounded by a barrier of mountains , her first line of defence : working clockwise from Eleusis in the west , Mts Aigaleos , Parnes , Pentelikon and Hymettos run round the city , imagined at the centre of the dial ( the best place to get an impression of this is from near the Philopappos Monument on the Hill of the Muses ) .
13 Degenerate trees can be avoided simply by ‘ disordering ’ the list and ensuring that the first item is from approximately the mid-point of the lexicon .
14 It is from here the arête shows its teeth , though not immediately .
15 It is in both the firm 's and the consumer s interests that this is for some extended period : in the case of the latter because search costs ( presumably ) are finite and so will not be worth incurring if there is only some probability of finding low prices , unless the benefits are substantial .
16 As and when the information is supplied , it is in both the vendor 's and purchaser 's interests to ensure that the documents and complete copies are carefully indexed .
17 Clearly , it is no use breaking the phosphate bond unless the ATP molecule is in just the right place ; otherwise the result would only be to heat things up .
18 It 's been so cold that the freeze-thaw needed for the Appendix to form fully has n't taken place and the ice is in just the same condition as the previous week .
19 ‘ The sun is in just the right place , and it will make a good picture . ’
20 No , that is in just the
21 ‘ As far as I 'm concerned the collection is in exactly the right building .
22 As for desidero , it is hard to see any difficulty , for it means quite simply ‘ I desire ’ , and is in exactly the same mould as traditional expressions such as volo , ‘ I wish ’ .
23 He is in exactly the right job : streets ahead of most others in the UK in his number-crunching agility — ‘ in the country 's top 5 per cent , at least ’ , Bloch says — and ‘ unbelievably good ’ at critical reasoning , with a score of 90 .
24 ‘ He is in exactly the right frame of mind to do the business .
25 They take for granted that the service of process requires the involvement of State officials , the usual civil law approach ; that international co-operation between officials of different states in matters of civil procedure is initiated by letters rogatory transmitted by the diplomatic channel ; and that in these respects the service of documents is in exactly the same category as the taking of evidence abroad .
26 Such identification of the elements of Q with those of Q is in exactly the same spirit as the identification of the elements of Z with certain elements of Q ( see Fig. 1.2 ) , an identification to which you 've probably never previously given much thought .
27 A great deal of this is down to the fact that the sweet spot is in exactly the same position throughout the set .
28 When this dialogue is opened again , the same folder or file selection is presented and the scroll bar is in exactly the same position .
29 In making such judgments one is in much the same position as a journalist describing a battle after it had taken place from the bar of a hotel , for the pressures in the 'sixties were very great and very immediate and those of us in the Ministries of Education responded to them as best we knew how .
30 The spleen-venting and copious invective contained herein , is in much the same vein as that which brought Public Enemy notoriety as self-styled rap terrorists .
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