Example sentences of "is [adj] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 As these features are not found together in any group of cocoa varieties already in cultivation , this is definite evidence that we have added some new genes to the ‘ gene pool ’ of cultivated cocoa .
2 It is perhaps a measure of Leapor 's character that even where there is little hope that injustice will be overcome , she is willing to raise a protest .
3 But unless there is constant effort to innovate , unless new knowledge is applied more effectively , and unless research is more explicitly directed toward the problems of those most in need , there is little hope that societies will be able to overcome the difficulties they now face .
4 ‘ There is little hope that the Taj will survive without considerable damage to its surface ’
5 As pollution in India is set to rise with the growing pace of industrialisation and the increasing ownership of motor cars there is little hope that the Taj will survive without considerable damage to its surface and a need for continuous restoration .
6 Aerospatiale has its own light single division , Socata at Tarbes near the Pyrenees , and there is little hope that the American singles can compete with the French Caribbean range in the 1990s .
7 So , for whom is Belfast working ? — surely there is little hope that West Belfast will ever really work until the ‘ hidden agenda ’ is acknowledged and changed !
8 However there is little hope that the above six laws , or any reasonable extension of them , will be adequate for every problem likely to be encountered in practice .
9 But with an external debt of $5 billion and scheduled interest payments of over $180 million1 annually , there is little hope that the meagre amounts pledged by sympathizers will be sufficient .
10 For these reasons it seems reasonable to suggest that all lifeforms on Earth shared a common origin : there is little likelihood that it sprang up contemporaneously in several different parts of the globe .
11 There is little likelihood that cereals played a minor role in the economy .
12 If there are six people walking abreast there is little chance that they will create an avenue for you to go through .
13 There is little chance that new mines will open in Britain to excavate these metals .
14 ‘ If the French ship leaves the Forth , ’ he continued , ‘ there is little chance that they will stop to answer your questions , Master Clerk .
15 Unless the sequence of events in which the various inflammatory mediators is established there is little chance that a specific receptor antagonst or inhibitor of the synthesis of a single mediator will be of important therapeutic benefit .
16 Because your essay is not identical with theirs , there is little chance that someone else 's words will be exactly right as a conclusion to your argument .
17 So there is little chance that the 1993 programme will go for short-term audience gain at the expense of long-term credibility .
18 Dunning and co-workers ( 1986 ) further point out that there is little proof that soccer violence is caused by the excessive drinking of alcohol : many hooligans seldom drink prior to the match to keep a ‘ clear head ’ for any aggression which might take place .
19 This somewhat idiosyncratic interpretation is no doubt coloured by the specificities of French history , yet there is little doubt that the British police system is also a political construction of the nineteenth century , created to contain the potential in the newly urbanized working classes for mob disorder , which the excesses of the military had seemed likely to exacerbate rather than disperse .
20 But there is little doubt that charter-train profit can be read in seven-figure sums rather than six and that as a business venture , InterCity has not done badly at all .
21 Surely the proof of any pudding , however , is in the eating and there is little doubt that acupuncture has gained credence and acceptance in the past decade or so .
22 The revival of takeover speculation — there is little doubt that European and Japanese buyers lurk — has occurred at a time when the merchant bankers , after a long period in the doldrums , are enjoying a rerating on trading considerations .
23 ‘ Although the number of applications is small , there is little doubt that the scheme fulfils a need for those most deserving of assistance , ’ Mr Moss said .
24 There is little doubt that in the Monopolies and Mergers Commission-inspired upheaval in the brewing industry Scottish represents the most obvious entry into the British beerage by an overseas group .
25 Without proof that money was paid into an account controlled by Mr Gandhi , there is little doubt that the Prime Minister will be able to continue resisting calls for his resignation .
26 Whether or not we accept Eliot 's note that the title of ‘ The Hollow Men ’ draws on both Kipling 's ‘ The Broken Men ’ and Morris 's ‘ The Hollow Land ’ , there is little doubt that this ‘ valley of dying stars ’ is not so far from the landscapes of Victorian romanticism .
27 There is little doubt that Mrs Thatcher belongs to the camp of the mobilizers .
28 Though there is little doubt that all these aspects of the State are valuable and important , it has also become clear that they can form the basis of a very one-sided picture .
29 There is little doubt that the colony 's government is trying to improve relations with China , which have steadily deteriorated since the suppression of the democracy movement in June .
30 No one expected to reverse the pull of 14 years of refugee resettlement overnight , and there is little doubt that voluntary repatriation would pick up speed if the Hong Kong authorities used quiet persuasion instead of the big stick .
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