Example sentences of "is [noun] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The first is change that individuals would like to see , whether in their own teaching or in the running of their school .
2 Yet change is possible where there is willingness that progress should take place .
3 Thus , the most a house insurer can be expected to provide in respect of an insurance below the Agreement threshold is confirmation that insurance arrangements were extant when the security was taken .
4 If the right hon. Gentleman would study recent CBI surveys he would see that domestic and export orders are rising , that export orders are at their highest level for over a year and that there is confirmation that business conditions are beginning to improve in line with confidence .
5 So that means the consumer is voting with their feet and saying this is good , it 's a good service , and that is also attached to the motorway services stations , so there is indication that improvements are rapidly coming erm into being , which is good news , good news .
6 There is talk that Ziff Davis ' PC Magazine will include a review of a Compaq Pentium system on March 1 .
7 " Skilled work is work that women do n't do " , as Anne Phillips and Barbara Taylor succinctly put it .
8 A third type of work which is disliked is work that risks displaying incompetence .
9 There is danger that trade between our countries might be permanently cut , but I believe that we shall eventually transcend ideological differences and progress together .
10 The reason is that this is cash that banks are likely to need anyway , and which can not therefore be used to meet an increase in demand for cash . )
11 X/Open is in separate discussions with the UN over the organisation 's internal use of open systems , and there is speculation that X/Open 's involvement with the UN might eventually see X/Open president Geoff Morris being elected to the UN 's advisory board .
12 The deviant is the one to whom that label has been successfully applied ; deviant behaviour is behaviour that people so label .
13 He sometimes claimed Jewish blood , sometimes denied it , and there is evidence that feelings about how Jews had been treated under the Nazi regime troubled him after he had settled in Germany .
14 Yet there is evidence that evaluation has not kept pace with the development of courses in bibliographic instruction .
15 And yet even before this there is evidence that Jesus was accorded some kind of official public recognition as Israel 's Messiah , or rightful king .
16 The remaining £3000 was distributed among those other witnesses I have mentioned and whom Drury had coerced into bolstering the prosecution 's case : there is evidence that Drury took a whack of some of that money too .
17 There is evidence that Philips believe Sony 's move towards handheld CD-I could be of immediate complementary benefit to its in situ range of players .
18 In each sequence , A is the cause of B , and C is evidence that B occurred ( and is also the effect of B ) .
19 There is evidence that insolation changes somehow trigger changes in the ocean circulation , biological productivity and alkalinity carbon pumps regulating atmosphere/ocean partitioning of CO 2 , a greenhouse gas .
20 Once the court is satisfied that there is evidence that D was provoked to lose self-control , it must go on to consider the second requirement : was the provocation enough to make a reasonable man do as D did ?
21 With the boyfriend there is evidence that Mrs Weber killed him and chopped him up with a chain saw , but there is no corpse .
22 Apart from being a guideline , and not a rigid rule , it is evidence that changes in interest rate expectations are being held , but perhaps behind the scenes approval from the Bank of England has not been forthcoming .
23 However there is evidence that degree performance is related to A-level score ; thus among students entering on the basis of A-levels , the percentage of those with scores of 6 and above who graduated with ‘ good ’ degrees was considerably above the average for all A-level entrants .
24 But there is evidence that species which wholly abandon sex are short-lived on an evolutionary time-scale .
25 There is evidence that sons make considerable efforts to provide support for their parents even when they are in straitened circumstances themselves .
26 There is evidence that girls tend to be socialized into adult roles more through their potential of becoming a mother and housewife than through their career ( Douvan and Adelson , 1966 ) .
27 For example , there is evidence that child molestation runs in families and is not simply an individual quirk .
28 Transmitter substances appear also to be released at neuromuscular junctions : there is evidence that glutamate is responsible for transmitting excitation from nerves to muscle ( e.g. Beranek and Miller , 1969 ) and that GABA may act as an inhibitory transmitter at these sites .
29 There is evidence that anorexia nervosa itself has developed a positive connotation and that eating disorder symptoms are viewed as neither unusual nor abnormal by the general public .
30 Of course there was still some opportunity for children to earn money while they were at school , and where those opportunities were taken there is evidence that parents considered this as part of the household income and expected it to be handed over ( Jamieson , 1986 ) .
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