Example sentences of "it seem to be " in BNC.

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1 At first Sergeant Bramble thought it was one of the latest Atco motor-mowers but it seemed to be coming from above them .
2 Rumours of transatlantic bids persistently hover over Burmah but it seemed to be the suspected presence of SHV , the big Dutch group , that fuelled the price .
3 It seemed to be a credible account , ’ Mr Callan said .
4 It seemed to be genuine .
5 There is some corroboration for our conclusion in previous research , however : at the 1983 election Gunter , Svennevig and Wober ( 1986 , p. 119 ) found that ‘ whilst television clearly emerged from among various sources of information about politics as the major source , it seemed to be relatively less important in the decision-making process of which way to vote ’ .
6 It seemed to be in permanent decline , possibly for some of the same reasons as the Liberals after 1918 .
7 As in the autumn of 1981 , it seemed to be losing its way , with doubts over government support for British Leyland , ministers attacked over repeated strikes by secondary school teachers , and criticisms also over Britain 's support for President Reagan at the time of bombing raids on Libya .
8 It seemed to be a very important project but the Area Health Authority felt it would be ‘ unethical ’ .
9 It seemed to be a sign of status .
10 It seemed to be saying : ‘ You and who else ? ’ , or ‘ Do you think that you 're really big enough ? . ’
11 It seemed to be working .
12 People wanted it and it seemed to be the right thing to do — and we did it .
13 It seemed to be like , ‘ Do n't worry about the money and if you need the equipment , you get the equipment , if you need clothes , get clothes made ’ .
14 But then it seemed to snowball from ‘ Hunky Dory ’ into ‘ Ziggy Stardust ’ because after playing one or two gigs as an acoustic outfit , it seemed to be natural to take it that step further — to add the bass and add the drums and make it bigger and better — more of a show of it — and so it evolved into ‘ Ziggy Stardust ’ .
15 When it seemed to be getting out of hand , he insisted that its aim was to improve the system , not to change it .
16 How could Mrs Hollidaye consider allowing Dot to return to that unsafe place where the air robbed your cheeks of their roses , where buildings collapsed though the bombs had long since stopped , where there was no glass in half the windows , no water in the taps , where nothing was quite what it seemed to be .
17 It seemed to be given up to the birds and their morning hymns …
18 It seemed to be time to play his ace in this particular trick .
19 As he approached , it seemed to be a crumpled sheet of paper , brilliant on the cold , dark earth .
20 In this paradox , we see the essence of the heightened detestation of the new breed of Party ‘ functionaries ’ , the agents — along with the traditionally disliked State civil servants — of this bureaucratized control , and the popularity of the Führer , whose personal power was idealized and elevated to a plane where it seemed to be executed outside the realms of ‘ everyday life ’ .
21 With Walsh then skimming the bar with a spectacular overhead shot , it seemed to be just a matter of time before Tottenham would score .
22 To the waiters standing about it seemed to be perfectly stationary , but they were not members of the Chop Society and it was not their table .
23 It seemed to be heading from the far side of his grandfather 's bed towards the door .
24 Sir David Cardinal spoke next , and though I missed much of his speech , it seemed to be more technical in substance , and quite frankly , rather above my head .
25 Nevertheless , although time is not identical with motion or change , it seemed to be dependent on them .
26 She wrote , ‘ You ca n't imagine how strange it seemed to be journeying thus , without any visible cause for progress other than the magical machine , with its flying white breath and rhythmical , unvarying pace … ‘
27 It seemed to be a parlour or sitting room .
28 It seemed to be impossible to straighten both at the same time ) and thrust out his chest .
29 It seemed to be smiling .
30 As for her voice , it seemed to be down at her elbow somewhere , and it was only by a kind of automatic reflex that she was singing at all .
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