Example sentences of "it must have be " in BNC.

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1 All that and more went through my mind , wrote Harsnet , as I sat there in the moonlight in the silence , but it was as if it was the glass which was telling me this , that the glass was my mind as I thought that , or my mind the glass , and that was the reason for the fear and the cold and also for the sense of growing excitement and a fear then , a different kind of fear , that I would not be able to do anything with this excitement , that it would be my failure , my failure to realize what I now saw were the real possibilities of the glass , a failure for which I would never be able to forgive myself , though a part of me would always know or perhaps only believe that it was in the nature of my insight that there could be no realization of it , that it was precisely an insight about non-realization , but by then , wrote Harsnet , it had all become too complicated , too extreme , I did not want to know any of it until it was all over , until I had made my effort , perhaps it had been a mistake to come in and sit there with the glass through the night with the moon shining so brightly , it must have been full , or nearly full , unnaturally bright anyway , something to do with the solstice perhaps , to sit in the room with the glass alone or with the moon alone might have been bearable , in the dark with the glass or in the moonlight in an empty room , but the two together , the glass and the moon , that was perhaps the mistake .
2 It must have been like this in Arkaig when my father first went there , ’ Cameron said to Menzies .
3 It must have been lucky to escape the sickles , he mused , as he watched its clumsy struggling across the cut stalks .
4 It must have been something out of the ordinary because even a player of his vast experience was affected by it .
5 For the chick , it must have been like suddenly landing in the Sahara .
6 It must have been a male tree for there was no sign of the drooping clusters of yellow fruit that female trees would now be bearing .
7 Bathing huts , a steam engine , cavalry on manoeuvre and beached fishing boats : it must have been lovely .
8 It must have been about fifteen to twenty feet deep and a few feet across .
9 It must have been all over in a few seconds .
10 In view of the vastness of Russia and the striking parochialism of the localities , it must have been hard to whip up yet more sympathy and funds for remote peasants in the Lower Volga .
11 There was a time , no doubt — it must have been before 1948 , when the United Kingdom itself abolished allegiance as the basis of citizenship — when the pretence of daughter monarchies around the globe was harmless and even arguably beneficial .
12 Therefore Carol 's daughter is not Julie , whilst Donna was taken to see Mary Poppins , so it must have been Linda who went with Carol to see Jungle Book .
13 It must have been the last one left in London .
14 She 'd been writing for the NME , about David Cassidy and things like that but it must have been quite a struggle to get by .
15 It must have been the timing that was out all along . ’
16 Well , it must have been my day as with half an hour to go I had just got to the end of my swim when the float buried and the elastic shot out .
17 It must have been nice while it lasted , Wexford reflected amorally .
18 This was particularly sad , considering that it must have been Walpole whom she idolized and wanted to imitate , for it was he who built Strawberry Hill .
19 It must have been painful to have a man you liked appropriated by a younger sister , McLeish thought , but this self-contained creature was not going to tell him — or possibly anyone else — how it had felt .
20 It must have been galling , to say the least , for a man from such a background to be accused of being a Nazi by student revolutionaries at the London School of Economics , whose only experience of a ‘ fascist regime ’ was being refused service in the college bar after closing time .
21 For the writer of Chronicles , it is now impossible for this later Jewish community to say that God sent this punishment — it must have been the devil .
22 Anyone who has romantic ideas of what it must have been like for great women and men to be filled with God 's Spirit should think again if the story of Mary is anything to go by .
23 Surely , it must have been bought by a company .
24 It must have been old , because she was in the centre of it , the lines of her face less formed , the shape of her bones softer .
25 I think it must have been left by workmen who had been preparing the crypt for the disposal of some saintly relic or the body of a recently deceased priest .
26 I try now to remember what that outpouring of words was about , it must have been about something .
27 It must have been the other one !
28 It must have been the other one . ’
29 It must have been a shock , her turning up out of the blue like that .
30 I told you I sleep in that chair , did n't I ? — It must have been about midnight because I 'd just watched this film and that did n't finish until half eleven .
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