Example sentences of "it as [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 In construing the Act without reference to the Parliamentary proceedings , he treats it as decisive that in this case the taxpayers ' children were only occupying surplus accommodation and that it lay in the discretion of the school whether to grant such benefit to the taxpayers .
2 Many saw it as ironic that the decision was strongly supported by Norway 's Prime Minister , Mrs Gro Harlem Brundtland , generally regarded as the most " environmentalist " of all government leaders .
3 Indeed , such communities may not be typical of communities as a whole : Romaine ( 1982 ) regards it as certain that linguistic and social factors do not often interact straightforwardly in the way Labov suggests .
4 Per Lord Mackay of Clashfern L.C. I regard it as crucial that on the facts as found the taxpayers ' sons occupied only surplus places and their right to do so was entirely discretionary ( post , p. 1036A–B ) .
5 Lord Mackay of Clashfern LC held , on a construction of section 63 without the aid of reference to the parliamentary material , that the tax-payers were only assessable on the extra cost of providing the in-house benefit , and in reaching this finding regarded it as crucial that , on the facts , as found , the teachers ' sons occupied only surplus places and their right to do so was entirely discretionary .
6 He regarded it as essential that men become more deeply committed to their work through the formation of professional/occupational groups , since for them an involvement in the family did not provide a sufficiently sound moral basis for continued existence : ‘ Men must gradually become attached to their occupational or professional life …
7 In early 1944 , de Gaulle regarded it as essential that French forces , which now numbered 400,000 men , should play a leading role in the campaigns to liberate Europe .
8 The typical rationalist will take it as self-evident that a high value is to be placed on knowledge developed in accordance with the universal criterion .
9 As Lord Hailsham of St. Marylebone L.C. put it in In re B. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Sterilisation ) [ 1988 ] A.C. 199 , 202 , the ‘ first and paramount consideration [ of the court ] is the well being , welfare or interests [ of the minor ] ’ and I regard it as self-evident that this involves giving them the maximum degree of decision-making which is prudent .
10 4.5 Consider the following sentences : ( 33 ) we believe the detective innocent Leonard proved the theorem incorrect Atkins will guarantee her picture authentic We can perhaps take it as self-evident that these do not contain attributive adjectives , but they also differ from predicate qualifiers .
11 We take it as self-evident that the adjectives in ( 1 ) are not predicatives , but the failure of the third form of interrogation confirms this .
12 The ANC 's letter described it as inconceivable that the authorities lacked the capacity to stop the factional fighting , in which 1,200 people had died in the past seven months .
13 Accepting that qualification , I regard it as plain that the effect of an intervention notice cast in the terms which were here employed and which were reflected in a accompanying press release , must be most damaging to the authorised representative with whom further business is inhibited until ( if ever ) the notice is withdrawn .
14 Accepting that qualification , I regard it as plain that the effect of an intervention notice cast in the terms which were here employed and which were reflected in an accompanying press release , must be most damaging to the authorised representative with whom further business is prohibited until ( if ever ) the notice is withdrawn .
15 Men were more likely to regard it as natural that they should take science .
16 With this background , and my father 's job , I took it as natural that I would go into scientific research .
17 Richard Branson regarded it as vital that Virgin should win the case .
18 From the words of my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State , it is clear that he regards it as vital that King 's Cross should go ahead as an essential part of the entire project .
19 We regard it as unlikely that many teachers in the near future will be able to handle facilities of this range and power amid the pressures of the classroom .
20 Continental observers see it as significant that Britain will take the EC helm when disillusionment with the goals of a federalist Europe is sweeping voters in some countries seen as most pro-European .
21 They regard it as significant that the eighth and ninth century saw an increasing volume of exchanges not initiated by the state , but " privately-generated " ; and they look for the new wealth-creators among lords and peasants , finding in rural markets crucial mechanisms of exchange .
22 But however that may be , we take it as axiomatic that unless it can be established to the contrary , the best authorities as to what went on are the actors themselves .
23 Social scientists take it as axiomatic that our dally lives are not entirely fortuitous .
24 Linguists have a tendency to regard it as axiomatic that all teachers — including teachers of subjects other than languages — need to be informed about language .
25 Whereas Britain took it as axiomatic that the objective of these negotiations was to reduce the general level of tariff barriers as a matter of good economic principle , her partners in Europe have viewed the matter from the other end of the telescope .
26 Most industry regulators would regard it as fundamental that a member may be called to account for the conduct of its registered traders .
27 They will not accept it as true that they murdered God , whereas we admit it and have been cleansed of that guilt .
28 Unfortunately I regard it as clear that although the consequences to them of operating a commercial port were reasonably plain from the beginning , insufficient thought was given to the question of access to the port before planning permission was granted .
29 The British Government professed to ‘ have always regarded it as desirable that these elections should be held and have advised the Government of the Republic of [ South ] Vietnam to enter into consultation with the Viet Minh authorities [ sic ] in order to ensure that all the necessary conditions obtain for a free expression of the national will ’ .
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