Example sentences of "it come out [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And when it came out I gave it a puff in my little rag , and made sure the others did the same .
2 well that 's I thought when I saw it coming out I thought oh goodness this is gon na be ten P a week , that 's the same for everybody , very good
3 I almost caused an accident coming back from Bedford yesterday , there 's somebody in an X R three i right up my arse so I just coming onto the motorway , the M four to Bracknell and erm comes right up my arse and I had to come out cos there was this car coming on you know , from further up the the lane and it was coming on and I was already on , so I overtook it let it did to let it come out you know ?
4 get erm a preview of it so that i , er the day it comes out they can do a review on it .
5 and as soon as it comes out you just fire a ball of string , yeah , and that way it ca n't fall down cos you 've got
6 No it is it comes out you see .
7 For example magnesium chloride holds water within its crystal lattice and if you dry it that water comes out , but as it comes out it also strips out the chlorine as hydrogen chloride gas for example .
8 and then it wo n't be sticky , I ca n't roll it out to make those shapes at the moment cos it 's too sticky , yes we 're gon na have to stick it in the fridge and when it comes out it will be just ready then .
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