Example sentences of "it do [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When I come into get you dressed let's try and be friendly and get it done quickly without fighting , then we 'll both be happy . ’
2 Mum well Susan took him this morning so he was to have it done early at eight
3 ‘ Everyone 's got fed up with that lame club PA vibe , they want to hear it done better on stage than on record again .
4 Nor will it do so in countries where genuine political democracy is firmly established and the electorate will no longer support the objectives .
5 To make it do so in company is bizarre .
6 Once authorisation to carry on a banking business has been granted by the home member state to a bank in accordance with the Community 's essential requirements , the Community legislative approach is to require the host country in which the bank may wish to provide cross-border services or establish a branch to recognise the validity of that authorisation , and to allow it to do so without making additional ‘ authorisation ’ requirements to the bank .
7 The fire-bellied toad normally prefers to remain hidden and its back is patterned and coloured in a way that enables it to do so by blending in with its surroundings .
8 Any buds that do manage it do so with such energy that they propel themselves away to project their seeds into wilder gardens .
9 On the basis of this , it is submitted that the question of subsidiarity is essentially a political question for the Council , and if the Council decided to act at the Community level it would not be possible to challenge what it did simply on the basis that it could better have been done at the level of the Member States ; rather , it would be necessary to show a manifest error , a misuse of power or a clear passing of the limits of discretion , and it is submitted that the occasions when this might be done will be rare .
10 The ‘ new technology ’ — a term used to describe the computerization of the printing industry using word processors and computer-designed pages as well as the direct input of copy by the journalist into the computer ( Fig. 4.4 ) — would gravely affect employment in the industry as it did away with compositors and printers .
11 ‘ Maybe the pressure will get to him like it did eventually to me .
12 This ‘ double taxonomy ’ took the form that it did partly as a result of a generalised concern over the perceived vulnerability of the young .
13 However , its entry into the European Community , which adopted the air quality management strategy as its common policy in 1980 , caused a radical change in the British approach to air pollution control as it did also for Denmark and Ireland .
14 It did well in East Berlin ( winning 35 per cent of the vote ) and in the north of the country , but was completely overshadowed in the industrial south .
15 The question , coming as it did unexpectedly at the end of her monologue , disconcerted me .
16 Word had already gone around about the sex sequence , and there was also some interest in the political content , coming as it did shortly after the attempts at peace in Vietnam and Nixon 's pledge to end the war .
17 Though the issue no longer commands the same urgency it did immediately after Tiananmen , ‘ right of abode ’ has been adopted as a cause by a wide variety of business and professional lobby groups .
18 However Much rural housing became a public issue , which it did periodically until 1914 , the depression in agriculture generally ensured that little new building took place and it became more and more apparent that housing conditions in rural areas would receive no dramatic improvement without external intervention .
19 The snow hook is actually on the end of the tow line so that in the unlikely event of the karabiner unhooking — as it did once on me — — the hook stays close to you giving you an outside chance of holding on to the team .
20 Even when private landownership spread in the latter Tokugawa era it did so under this premise .
21 It did so despite the fact that Goulding J had found that an experienced salesman quickly acquired a good idea of the prices obtained by his employer 's competitors , but that such knowledge was usually only approximate and that in this field accurate information was valuable , because a difference of even one penny a pound might be important .
22 It did so for one day on 5 October 1990 , on the announcement of the application for UK entry into the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European Monetary System ( EMS ) .
23 It did so as a gesture towards the United States , that it was now willing to accept this resolution as the basis of its participation in an international peace conference .
24 Fairbanks found that when sea level first began to rise as the ice sheets melted , 17,000 years ago , it did so at a rate of about 4mm per year .
25 It did so at the rate of 4–7 in ( 10–18 cm ) per year until it collided with the Laurasian land mass ( North America and Eurasia , which were then joined ) .
26 When a coinage did reappear in the reign of the Northumbrian king , Eanred , in the early ninth century it did so at a lower silver standard which continued to decline .
27 Consequently , when a handful of practitioners came together in 1979 , it did so with a single guiding principle : ‘ the real measure of development is the ability of a people to build its own comprehensive and complimentary and independent infrastructure that is capable of dealing with its own problems , needs and aspirations . ’
28 The growth of the NSDAP in Danzig followed that of its growth in the Reich , but it did so with a slight time-lag — a phenomenon of border districts everywhere .
29 When the apparatus functioned properly , it did so with a loud clonk that the writer could hear from his home near Selby Road .
30 The shadow cabinet therefore took its decision in the clear knowledge that it would have a fight on its hands , but it did so with the support of Lansdowne and Law .
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