Example sentences of "it not [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Let it not bear the traces of work , the traces of time .
2 If a larger bird is low in the queue , why does it not displace the bird at the head ?
3 If to encourage recycling , should it not reflect the relative cost to industry of switching from virgin to recycled materials ?
4 Am I being told that the law of England is so deficient that , if one assaults a person by driving a car at them to the danger of that person 's life or property — whether or not one damages either — that is not a crime known to the common law of England , and would it not attract the most condign penalties ?
5 That shut them up and should it not do the same to we miserable sinners today ?
6 Would it not make a difference if one identified experience , not with some disposition to overt behaviour , but with the ‘ behaviour ’ of the brain as it ‘ discriminates ’ the various sorts of stimuli within the nervous system ?
7 Does it not make a lot of sense because it rings true to our experience ?
8 Would it not make a wonderful detecting trip to retrace the fellow 's footsteps and survey the ground once denied to us ?
9 And does it not make the time problem even worse ?
10 Since the Opposition , clearly , try to make the worst of the current figures , would it not give a truer picture if we looked at the figures of only five years back ?
11 Does it not give a name for the shop ?
12 Did it not know the truth ?
13 Will it not encourage the image of a model singing rather than a singing model ?
14 Will it not produce the equivalent of about a quarter of the nuclear arsenals of both the Soviet Union and the United States at their peak by the year 2000 ?
15 If Parliament had intended that , why did it not call the Act the ‘ Depraving and Corrupting Publications Act ’ ?
16 Does it not presuppose a reduction in the rate of all vacancies ?
17 If it is the Number 1 killer disease , why does it not receive the Number 1 national effort with the entire nation behind it , with colossal educational programmes , enormous amounts of publicity , and the full support of the medical profession ?
18 Could it or could it not have a bearing on this present case of murder ?
19 I was just wondering should it not have a photograph ?
20 And does it not have the ludicrous implication that a two-month-old only knows more than the two-week-old because he is more active ?
21 Not only did it not find the islands but it could n't find the way home .
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