Example sentences of "it have only [verb] " in BNC.

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1 While the hazards of the algae have been documented since the beginning of the century in places such as Australia and the United States , it has only become a serious problem in Europe recently .
2 In reality it has only become an almost universal standard in the course of history .
3 Vocational training for the actor as we know it has only existed in England for the last eighty years .
4 The commercial company created by Lord Burghersh to run ‘ Sporting Glory ’ and rent the facility went bankrupt , owing money to printers , the V&A ( it has only seen part of its £100,000 rental fee ) and , of course , the backers .
5 Yet it has only survived because Lavenham , as a town , failed .
6 It is a faith that believes it has only to ask in order to receive : e.g. in the cure of the leper ( Mark 1:40–5 ) .
7 In fact it has only begun .
8 It has only polled more than 10,000 votes once in 30 years , when as the SDP/Liberal Alliance it benefited from the special by-election atmosphere .
9 ‘ We 're in the WH Smith Top 40 and it has only taken us four years to get there , ’ says Tom White of makers Upstarts .
10 But because of the advent now of erm organized bonfires , that risk has receded but having said that it has only receded , not gone away .
11 In case the House doubts the substance behind that view , it has only to consider a Gallup opinion poll that appeared recently in The Daily Telegraph .
12 But we er are welcoming the fact that there is a recognition of the rising population of Wales er in giving us this er this additional seat er primarily the additional population has not come in industrial South Wales which er er which er people think of perhaps as the most typically Welsh area , it 's actually in two counties of Clwyd and Dyfed that are erm growing most rapidly because of lifestyle migration , retirement migration erm into those two areas and that is why the additional seat , if you can put it that way , er takes from all the other four of course , is is the mid and West Wales seat which has been compared by the honourable member for Cornwall er tonight and it has only got a population of four hundred and one thousand but on the other hand of course it is such an extensive seat because the population sparsity in that area is much , much worse than even in Cornwall and therefore it is going to stretch from South of Milford Haven to the Llanrwst area really within probably twenty miles of the North Wales coast , it 's a who it 's the whole of two counties plus one additional very badly populated constituency erm in in the county of Gwynedd , an awkward constituency but one that we are certainly looking forward fighting and winning to give us the five out of five er now that er the boundaries are going through tonight and obviously it 's all in line really er to look at the other , the third order of course , the question of the registration of overseas voters in the nineteen ninety two election overseas voters had their first opportunity to participate in Westminster elections .
13 So it has only got three legs ?
14 Although directors and officers ' liability insurance has been available in the UK since the 1930s , it has only come into wide use in the last few years .
15 He said : ‘ I feel I am ready for it although it has only come along because Stuart is injured .
16 Its preferred approach was more informative reporting of disciplinary and appeal committee hearings — until now it has only released details of the charges the accused has been found guilty of , and the final ruling .
17 Er it was known by archaeologists and the Royal Commission of Ancient and Historical Monuments had done a survey , but it had only done a very brief survey , and they said this is part of something left of a medieval building here .
18 It is a great misfortune for my book to come out with it ( though I am glad it was written before it ) : if it had only appeared with The Present and the Past .
19 The ministry said it had only begun to take meat samples .
20 The small pain which had been inflicted upon it had only served somehow to make it stronger .
21 And then it had only ended after he had decided to go back to his wife .
22 But London Ambulance Service categorically denied that it had plans to cut off phone lines , saying that it had only authorised one disconnection at Park Royal Ambulance Station , West London , because crews had locked themselves in .
23 Was the Council willing to embark on a major new undertaking in a field in which it had only limited experience , none of it in the validation of teacher education itself ?
24 The Council felt that it had only achieved a limited success in achieving the aims determined above .
25 It had only sounded that way to his western ears — because the words had been Chinese !
26 He had tried to give her an injection but it had only made her more hysterical .
27 It was after the 1990 England v Ireland game at Twickenham that Paul Ackford casually mentioned to one of the Irish players that his team knew it had only to withstand Ireland 's 20 minutes of blood and guts to win easily .
28 It had only taken a glance to recognise the ship 's chandler , the site corroborated by the smell of tarred rope ; the same with Mick 's Bar and Johnson 's store .
29 It had only taken a few weeks for Lucy Ashdown to become one of the more useful ringers on Charlie 's list of reserves .
30 Instead , it had only taken away six months of his life — at a critical point that just might have foreclosed on his promotion hopes .
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