Example sentences of "it have for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even so , the significance it has for Hobbes is nothing like that which it had for Bacon .
2 The Pill has probably been even more liberating for men than it has for women , as men have to worry even less about contraception than they did before .
3 We will also seek further opportunities for the private sector to contribute , as it has for example with the Channel Tunnel , the Queen Elizabeth II bridge at Dartford , the second Severn Bridge and the Birmingham Northern Ring Road .
4 In some cases surgery can help , as it has for Joanna .
5 Actual quantities , which exceed internal expectations of only a month ago , boil down to between 100,000 and 200,000 units a quarter , which in turn means that by the end of the current quarter Sun expects to be able to fill all the back orders it has for Model 41 Sparcstation 10s plus the orders it receives in the intervening weeks .
6 Actual quantities , which exceed internal expectations of only a month ago , boil down to between 100,000 and 200,000 units a quarter which in turn means that by the end of the current quarter Sun expects to be able to fill all the back orders it has for Model 41 Sparcstation 10s plus the orders they get in the intervening weeks .
7 In Bulgaria traditional music thrives , and unlike British fold music ( collated and ruined by rich Victorians ) it has for centuries remained undiluted by outside influences .
8 They managed to finish on grass quite happily and their marbled , lean , tender beef caught the eye of the butchers , as it has for centuries .
9 Situated on the banks of the River Mondego , on an important crossroads , it has for centuries played a vital role in the life of the centre of the country .
10 Even so , the significance it has for Hobbes is nothing like that which it had for Bacon .
11 And all the while , as it had for aeons and always would , the giant battle-monastery flew onward through the lonely void , towards nowhere at all .
12 As it had for Hegel , consciousness again becomes a significant element in the process of history for Lukács .
13 The drought had not yet taken a stranglehold , although the landscape looked parched and drier than it had for years .
14 Unlike many people since the end of the Second World War , Freud , writing in the late 1920s , remained impressed with the progress made in the use of technology in improving man 's life , although not unaware of the potential it had for destruction .
15 The recorded history of the country goes back 5000 years to the first known pharaohs ; and though for 2000 years there had been waves of invaders bringing one foreign ruler after another , for most of the peasants ( the fellahin ) life continued much as it had for centuries , regulated as much by the Nile and the miracle of its annual flood , as by successive new masters .
16 Her heart was beating wildly as it had for days whenever the telephone bell rang anywhere she happened to be .
17 For Michael Codron , it marked the start of an outstanding production career — which had seemed to bode so ill for him during the run of The Wit To Woo , a play that had no happier associations for him than it had for Ken .
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