Example sentences of "it have [be] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 In circumstances in which the opinion leaders and policy-makers in adult education have responded to the women 's movement at all , it has been to co-opt feminism into their platitudes , whilst at the same time seeking to deflect and defeat the radical intention of women 's liberation as it might be applied in adult education and society generally .
2 The mandate , it seems , extends to discussing directly with Andrea Corcoran , the engaging lawyer whose unfortunate task it has been to negotiate on the CFTC 's behalf , a solution to the intricate questions of extra-territoriality and segregation of clients ' funds on the London Metal Exchange .
3 What a pleasure it has been to read the posh English papers in the past fortnight .
4 The Chairman , on behalf of the members , has asked me to express their appreciation of your excellent presentation and to state how difficult it has been to make a choice from outstanding candidates .
5 I hope , when Siward comes with his army , that you find the field as easy to quit as it has been to enter . ’
6 Most of us can recall just how difficult it has been to concentrate on anything else if we have a headache or any other ache and pain .
7 What a privilege it has been to share that trip with so many wonderful people .
8 As we have already seen , the law has been less ready to protect these interests from negligently inflicted harm than it has been to protect person and tangible property , but we are now concerned only with liability for intended harm .
9 On each of the three occasions this century where there has been a clear coalition government — May 1915 to November 1922 , August 1931 to September 1932 , and May 1940 to May 1945 — it has been to meet a national emergency .
10 He will be aware , bearing in mind the other pressures we have on the budget this year , how difficult it has been to get a higher priority for roads .
11 Could it have been to make up for Cymbeline 's cheating that the Umpire permitted me to find the sacristy so easily ?
12 Could n't it have been to escape from having to realize that she 'd killed her lover ?
13 As Bishop Brinton said , it had been to restore a rightful heir to his kingdom and to defeat tyranny that the campaign in northern Spain had been fought in 1367 .
14 His charm , his little anecdotes , even this scene played in the velvet darkness — all of it had been to answer the challenge she 'd so foolishly set before him .
15 On the one occasion when they had met in those six weeks , it had been to visit flood victims in Wales , in the town of Carmarthen , which had been hit by the freak October hurricane .
16 And after that she seemed happy the rest of the way , saying how lovely it had been to see them even for such a short time and how she 'd come down again when she could , but it was such a long way and the trains were so crowded with soldiers and she had had to take two whole days off from the ambulance station .
17 Finally she chose a plump boiling fowl , in deference to that great Gascon King of France , Henri Quatre , whose ambition it had been to see that all his subjects were well fed enough to have a chicken in their pot each week , and had made La Poule Au Pot a loved and traditional name for restaurants .
18 After 1954 , and however virtuously reassuring it had been to teach bright Battersea boys , it was impossible to ignore the influence of social class on educational achievement .
19 That was the best of my father 's stories , told in the pub in the 1960s , of how difficult it had been to live with her in 1937 , during the Abdication months .
20 How easy it had been to mislead him , as he produced his apologetic arguments and justifications .
21 As he watched her , he suddenly thought how childish it had been to imagine you could play number three for Somerset just because you 'd once made seventeen in an over off the indifferent bowling of Philpott , A.J.
22 Propagandists could always argue that the fact that so many misfortunes had befallen England since the Revolution confirmed how wrong it had been to dethrone the rightful sovereign .
23 She walked on , wondering whose decision it had been to buy a retirement home in such an isolated spot .
24 Strange , how easy it had been to accept the harshness of the training depot and the lessons she had learned .
25 Cardiff had supervised the clearance of the office block , noting wryly that it seemed easier to clear everyone out than it had been to get his original team established .
26 He did n't tell her how difficult it had been to withstand the pain they inflicted on him .
27 The last time she had woken from sleep it had been to find herself looking into the blue eyes of a dangerous enemy ; now the enemy was a friend .
28 He stood up , his deep blue glance moving over her in a slow appraisal that burned into the very pores of her skin , and she realised , in those few heart-stopping moments , what a mistake it had been to confront him .
29 He smiled , told Julie how delightful it had been to meet her and headed back to his car .
30 Two or three people have been having problems with the listserv software here this week , and it 's been to do with personal mail addresses , as shown in the From : field of the header of every message each of us sends .
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