Example sentences of "it be something [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If their special property is not to be found in their trigger features , might it be something about their projective zones ?
2 Work back in your mind to the possible source of any abrasion — could it be something with a rough edge in the pond , or are there ectoparasites ( ie Argulus ) breaking the skin ?
3 One nice Tory gentleman tells me ‘ I 've done this for all the parties in my time , you know , ’ as if it were something to be proud of .
4 They also avoid the division of parts , as if it were something of extreme difficulty , and forget altogether that it is by no means necessary to have all the voices singing all the time .
5 It tells us that the soldiers are thinking back to before the war , to the sun as if it were something in the distant past which they took for granted but has now become their last hope and so they are turning back to nature to put right a problem they caused .
6 It 's something for us all to have power , power from behind , such as our church .
7 Having a spill gives them a thrill , and it 's something for them to talk about afterwards . ’
8 It 's something for my wife which I ca n't afford cos I 've been off sick so I thought it would be something nice for her .
9 It 's something for other people to do , do you know what I mean ?
10 It 's something for us to discuss , that 's what I 'm saying , so , so if you commit yourself to something and balls up , erm , the general manager does n't get a copy of it , and nobody else does , just you and me .
11 He says it 's something for people to be proud of .
12 So it 's something of a treat that the Discovery has its first British airing at Motorfair .
13 AT FIRST sight it 's something of a puzzle how invertebrate animals without eyes measure daylength .
14 It 's something of a shock after the deserts of Utah and Arizona to be greeted by Canadian-style pine forests and snow showers in early June .
15 And then again I think it is escapism for some of them to get pregnant where there 's so much unemployment , it 's something of their own to be proud about .
16 ‘ You could say it 's something of an embarrassment . ’
17 It 's something of a comedown for the band who 've just had their first taste of the big time supporting Peter Gabriel in Europe .
18 It 's something of Orrie 's , actually .
19 It 's something of a miracle that Posh are still alive .
20 There is a a colossal amount of inconsistency er of a kind that if we were to practice such inconsistency in our courts there would be there would be absolute outcry and it 's it 's something of a scandal I think that er that the police and the executive generally are apparently able to get away with inconsistencies which we are not .
21 It 's something of a comedown for the band who 've just had their first taste of the big time supporting Peter Gabriel in Europe .
22 For a world class decathlete it 's something of a gear change .
23 Joan Gibbs says she really wanted a racehorse but could n't afford it and so she bought a greyhound and that 's the next best thing … it 's something of yours
24 It 's something of a performance load carrier , with a top speed of mph and 0– mph sprint time to 8. seconds .
25 It 's something of a social occasion , ’ said Dr Williams .
26 I suppose it 's something to be grateful for that I can do anything useful for you , so stop worrying .
27 ‘ I suppose ’ , she said , with one last , earnest look in the mirror , ‘ it 's something to be almost done with the bloody decades .
28 Copy it to Andrew and then Andrew knows when the I B I S invoice comes forward that it 's something to be
29 If you can get it back that 's why I say do the graph if you can get it back to erm but it 's not just something to the fifth , it 's really It 's something to the tenth .
30 but it 's something to be slightly aware of , so
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