Example sentences of "it be [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Would it be a time of wonder , or would it be the old conflicts continued ?
2 Ellen Jebeau brought her lips tightly together and drew them inwards between her teeth before she said , with deep bitterness , ‘ I do n't know about it being a time for plain speaking , I can only say that time has shown your ingratitude for what I 've done for you over the years . ’
3 It 's a time for few windows and we have many , and maybe it 's even a time for living in town or city with lights and movement and not just the dead nettles of the water meadow to gaze at .
4 It 's a time for that client to decide whether they wish to stay or if they want to go home . ’
5 Instead of retirement being something to dread , it 's a time we are looking forward to .
6 It 's a time for experts to be patient , practising tricks , joining the light weather races , or just sunbathing .
7 For many , it 's a time of profound contentment and satisfaction .
8 Er , as Charlie just pointed out , it is of great concern and it 's a time bomb that is definitely ticking away .
9 It 's a time bomb that 's been ticking for centuries and the fuse has always been gold .
10 Well it 's a time exposure .
11 For some Wimpey people it 's a time of hectic activity .
12 For Minerals it 's a time to press ahead , free of the bad weather handicaps which , in North America particularly , have dogged production longer than usual this year .
13 It 's a time consuming process .
14 It 's a time for the local authority , community and club to work together in partnership . ’
15 Oh it 's a time switch with a bomb on !
16 There are little tricks , for example , if it 's a time clause , when you think to yourself oh God it 's one of those lists , you sit down and calm yourself , take a Valium or whatever it is and just apply yourselves to that , right , what the next point is so the first thing I want you to do is stop at this time clause , when you realize it 's a time clause I want you to go trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot to the main verb , alright ?
17 There are little tricks , for example , if it 's a time clause , when you think to yourself oh God it 's one of those lists , you sit down and calm yourself , take a Valium or whatever it is and just apply yourselves to that , right , what the next point is so the first thing I want you to do is stop at this time clause , when you realize it 's a time clause I want you to go trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot to the main verb , alright ?
18 It 's a time when the Chancellor of the Exchequer must put Britain first and the Prime Minister 's private prejudices and the good of the Tory party second .
19 It 's just not good enough , it 's every time he gets some new feathers and as an officer of the Roman Imperial Army he must not be without feathers .
20 ‘ Right , ’ Ben said solemnly , ‘ but for now can I wait by here for you and walk you back home , it 's no time for a young lady to be out alone . ’
21 " It 's no time for niceties of etiquette when there are lives at stake , Willoughby .
22 It 's the time when thoughts of suicide can be very common and this again is particularly distressing for people of strong faith .
23 It 's the time of death that concerns me at present , sir , ’ he said .
24 IT 'S THE TIME OF THE karāti , THE NIGHTS LEADING UP TO THE full-moon festival , when the gods enter the dhāmis and use their bodies to dance among the villagers .
25 It 's the time when the final pellets of vanity accumulate into a cyst , when the self starts up its last pathetic murmur of ‘ Remember me , remember me … ‘ ; it 's the time when the autobiographies get written , the last boasts are made , and the memories which no one else 's brain still holds are written down with a false idea of value .
26 It 's the time when the final pellets of vanity accumulate into a cyst , when the self starts up its last pathetic murmur of ‘ Remember me , remember me … ‘ ; it 's the time when the autobiographies get written , the last boasts are made , and the memories which no one else 's brain still holds are written down with a false idea of value .
27 You see I think it 's the time , I think you 've got to think about what time of day as well , have n't you ?
28 Well I gets him pulled out of the ditch and I brings him down and it 's the time I , I had Sarah boil up the boiler for the pigs .
29 It 's the time you shout at your boss and your colleagues because you 're sick of being taken for granted when you know you 've done three times the work of any man for half the recognition .
30 IT 'S the time you lean out of your car window when a man says something about women drivers and yell at them to ‘ come over here and say that . ’
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