Example sentences of "it in to the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It took me three attempts to land the fish but eventually I managed to bring it in to the bank and my mate Paul scooped the net under it .
2 He dropped the note-book in the mud just where the water came and stamped on it , grinding it in to the soft mess of leaves .
3 The next day , there 's an advert in the paper — that she 'd found a black and white dog and handed it in to the police at Aigburth .
4 First attempt to get it to go failed because she had n't plugged it in to the electricity supply .
5 Once you 're satisfied that your spur socket wo n't result in the circuit serving too large a floor area , and you 've identified the socket as one from which you can run a spur , all you have to do is install your new socket where it 's needed , run the spur cable back to the socket that will feed it , and connect it in to the socket terminals .
6 You then whip the cream ( it is easier if you have left it an hour or two in the refrigerator after cooling ) and when it stands in peaks you can turn it in to the muslin or clean napkin with which you have lined an earthenware or metal cheese mould or drainer — which can be improvised by piercing holes in a cheap cake tin or in a tub-shaped carton — and leave it 3 or 4 hours , or overnight .
7 You 're concentration goes it 's like er it 's like someone 's going to try and head it in to the net and he 's trying to work out which corner it 's going into and he 's
8 There was , Aunt Margaret said , a safe in their bedroom where he kept the money until he took it in to the bank at the end of the week in the massive , gleaming , opulent-looking calf-skin briefcase with a very large lock .
9 They 'd bring down a little portable black-and-white television and wire it in to the video upstairs .
10 and pull it in to the small boat ?
11 Pull it in to the small boat , lay it on a box and then we 'd pull the chain in by hand and then we 'd rerun it further up the river .
12 ‘ The bike skidded on past ahead of me and I followed it in to the side of the road .
13 tuned it in to the four channels and I said what about video
14 And then she checked Well anyway the week after he 'd phoned there was no what you call in it so he wrote it in to the damn thing and said why is it when some people puts adverts in they not only put it in once they put it in three or four times the same week
15 Well no , now you see , now is , what 's happened is this tt we argued er the case after we saw the notice , but we only saw the notice about a week before it went into com into committee , so we 'd only a very short time to get everything organized , well we got letters and this petition , we sent it in to the council , Stanley came round and talked to one of the young men round our place , not like that , but he was saying oh we 'll do this , that and the other , but when he came round and now we know they 'd lobbied all the committee that were good and they knew it was gon na be passed , they knew before they went in it was gon na be passed
16 but they put it in to the meter in
17 hits his clearance to the halfway line , controlled immediately by inside the centre circle , he was unmarked , has to careful here , and he is n't careful , it 's won back by , now he 's got to the right , running into the penalty area , could do with an early cross , holds it up , slips it back , knocks it in to the middle now , jumps , does n't make contact , it 's headed away by and good play now between and , gets it back to , 's clearance , onto the head of , good header on too to .
18 Simpson raises his hands in the air , United have got Andy Melville and Steve Foster at the far post , Simpson still delays taking the kick , now it comes in , he knocks it in to the far post , looking for Paul , Paul heads it back over the top — and they 've scored .
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