Example sentences of "it down to the " in BNC.

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1 I can only put it down to the strong classical emphasis which prevails in the courses offered in the UK , although many of the university drama courses in the USA do stage Shakespeare and the European classical authors .
2 He gave her the rake and she went vigorously at the hay while he plaited a grass rope to put round a burden and heft it down to the byre .
3 She put the sheet of paper in an envelope , addressed it clearly , added the word ‘ Urgent ’ and carried it down to the office , where she left it for collection and received instead the original and the photostats of her article .
4 Rose had noticed this and she had put it down to the awe and respect in which the man she so loved was held , and she was loath to see differently now .
5 I would n't put it down to the way I was manipulated as a child . ’
6 Insiders put it down to the pressure of competing for six and seven figure salaries .
7 They loaded the Zodiac dinghy , outboard motor , and the limpet mines into the camper and drove south , reaching Auckland around 7.30 p.m. where witnesses living at Stanley Point on the northern shore of Auckland Harbour saw two men take an inflatable dinghy out of a camper van and carry it down to the water 's edge .
8 One cold , windy day Marion nerved herself to take it down to the clachan to barter for food and wool , and found herself still ignored .
9 For a moment Henry thought she was going to hit him , and then , instead , she seized the receiver from him and , sweeping it down to the floor with her she poured love , support , tenderness and quietness down the line .
10 The captain has promised to reach the coastline by early dawn and follow it down to the sea .
11 I put it down to the necessity for him to exhibit his physical superiority from time to time , in order to maintain his ‘ throne ’ and his following of stooges .
12 In other words , if you pay approximately £50 a quarter for your telephone rental then round it up to £60 ( it helps if you overestimate expenditure ) and break it down to the monthly sum of £20 .
13 In the evenings , when Kāli brought the cows home , we 'd take it down to the stable to its mother and she would stretch out her nose to it and blow , and the breath would come out as steam in the cold , evening air .
14 They took it down to the burning gha where two rivers meet in a rolling pool of green and white , and where at night the restless spirits of the dead wall to the roar of the crashing waters .
15 At first she 'd given no thought to missing for a month , putting it down to the trauma of losing Pa , but by the time nothing showed for the third month running there could be no doubt that the worst had happened .
16 ‘ Put it down to the movement of the ship .
17 You can use paper of similar thickness but unless you stick it in some way to the faces it is difficult to keep it in position when assembling the cores into the bobbin and bolting it down to the board .
18 ‘ A three piece really boils it down to the core , ’ muses Bob .
19 All that remains is to wrap the covering material round and glue it down to the boards .
20 Thankfully there were no injuries and he and Ave Barlow managed to make it down to the best of the mountain safely .
21 He lay quietly , with a comfortable feeling of pleasant anticipation of the day before him , imagining his mother in her pale blue Sunday outfit getting her European car out of the garage and manoeuvring it down to the United church .
22 He had n't known whether to put it down to the fact that she imagined he was being left outside the camaraderie of the brothers or that in some strange way she was laying claim on him .
23 Take it down to the bone , to as few words as possible .
24 Cutting it down to the bone
25 You argue with one another and put it down to the fact that people who are prejudiced are ignorant .
26 ‘ I 'll need some help to wrap it up and get it down to the car .
27 It wrings higher performance per clock than anybody and it has not broken compatibility the way Intel intends to do with the P6 ( UX No 420 ) and the way IBM has done with the Rios and its subset the PowerPC , having apparently failed to scale it down to the desktop and having been forced to strip out 40 instructions and substitute a software emulator .
28 Top-end SMP suppliers such as Sequent and NCR — which are trying to high-tail it down to the low-end — will be more prone to experiencing such hiccups than those coming from below , like Compaq 's SystemPro and AST 's Manhattan .
29 What was more , there had been a growing number of mice in her house of late and she put it down to the age of the animal .
30 Again I put it down to the stresses of presenting a live programme five days a week .
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