Example sentences of "it should be done " in BNC.

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1 * Just to show the brewers how it should be done , CAMRA is producing a bottle-conditioned beer to celebrate 21 years of the Campaign .
2 It should be done on the basis of the right of non-smokers to breathe smoke-free air , but wherever possible taking account of the needs of those who smoke . ’
3 Over-large steering wheel notwithstanding , its controls , instruments , heating and ventilation system , and driving position simply show how it should be done .
4 We are none of us too grand or too sophisticated to benefit from the lessons of the cottage garden and we are fortunate that there are still some skilled practitioners such as Connie Franks to show the rest of us how it should be done .
5 Then she must sit in the sun before hauling it back up and altogether I was enraged and wished I was in a condition to show her how it should be done .
6 Once you feel confident that you know what to do and why it should be done , you can put your knowledge to the test , choosing the time and place most suited to your own circumstances .
7 ‘ If it can be done , it should be done . ’
8 Reissland warned : ‘ If we do it , we will decide how it should be done .
9 Whatever the theories , scientists and campaigners agree on one thing ; that , if the means of reducing air pollution are available then it should be done .
10 But after the boys they seemed tiresome : too demanding ; wanting love as well as sex ; too many ideas about how it should be done , and which position they liked best , and whether they came or not .
11 We 've done good work , are still doing good work , but logically it should be done elsewhere , at Harwell or Winfrith .
12 Labour had not won the argument over how to run a capitalist economy better than the Conservatives , so it could not take on its detractors — and that was because it had not thought through how it should be done .
13 Whereas a traditional craftsman would decide what should be done , how it should be done , when it should be done , and to what level of quality , as well as actually executing the task itself , modern management within capitalism takes on all these former conceptual functions , leaving labour merely to carry out the mechanical aspects of performing the manual task .
14 Whereas a traditional craftsman would decide what should be done , how it should be done , when it should be done , and to what level of quality , as well as actually executing the task itself , modern management within capitalism takes on all these former conceptual functions , leaving labour merely to carry out the mechanical aspects of performing the manual task .
15 Although the older sister lived away , she travelled to stay with her sister occasionally and during one visit , after she made her allegations in a family meeting which she had joined , the counsellor asked her to take over the caring role for the final week of her stay so that her sister could actually see how it should be done .
16 Yet she thought it should be done , and she thought these horrible sights and cursed memories were delectable to her , against her will ’ .
17 This kitchen extension is an excellent example of how it should be done : it looks as if it was built at the same time as the rest of the house
18 I 'll pin Harry Prosser 's great picture on my front door to give our old postman the idea of how it should be done .
19 Gunnell , captain of the British women 's team , showed exactly how it should be done with what turned into a near-perfect performance .
20 Gunnell , captain of the British women 's team , showed exactly how it should be done with what turned into a near-perfect performance .
21 The whole emphasis of our rugby must be changed and , if that means changing people , it should be done .
22 It is a twenty-mile drive to Loch Hourn at the end of this road , and twenty back , but it should be done at least once in a lifetime , the scenery being outstanding .
23 Weir quickly got wind of the plan to remove him and discussed the matter with the bailie , James Graham , and the latter had to agree that there was no blame which could be attached to Weir 's conduct beyond his recent irregular attendance , but it was hardly possible for a court to function without a prosecutor , and although Weir was going to have to go , James Graham insisted that ‘ it should be done in the most decent manner and almost with his own consent ’ .
24 In any case she had not expected that her role in the assessment would be limited to receiving information back from an EWO : ‘ We did n't ask for it [ the assessment ] — it was the education system who said it should be done — if I accept them into my home I do n't expect them to disappear for twelve months , if they invited themselves in . ’
25 The challenge to make the 88000-based systems a binary-compatible standard across a wide range of high-volume , multi-vendor platforms has largely failed , despite the 88open binary compatibility standard , to which DG heavily contributed , serving as a model for how it should be done .
26 They 're there every night , they see it done every night , they see how it should be done every night , but they ca n't do it themselves . ’
27 I find myself intolerant of management books that seek to prescribe exactly ‘ how it should be done ’ .
28 ‘ Guilty ’ , ‘ worried ’ , ‘ miserable ’ and ‘ depressed ’ are the words which women use to express their responses to a situation in which they do not get their work done ‘ as it should be done ’ :
29 I swung majestically from the very end of the crux traverse on Gimmer Crag 's Kipling Groove , in from of an audience I half expected to hold up marks for style , and had to allow my younger and less experienced partner to show me how it should be done .
30 Everyone has their own ideas about how it should be done , but if everyone agrees to lift it together , it suddenly becomes a very easy task .
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